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Updated: August 18, 2024

At length she crossed herself devoutly, and exclaimed, "Queen of saints about us! is it back ye are? Well sure there's no use in talkin', bekase they say you know what's said of you, or to you an' we may as well spake yez fair. Hem musha, yez are welcome back, crickets, avourneenee! I hope that, not like the last visit ye ped us, yez are comin' for luck now!

So, putting his head through the hole, he called down to the colonel: 'Hillo, neighbour! says he. The colonel looked up, and grew as white as a sheet, when he seen he was found out, and the red eyes starin' down at him through the hole. 'Musha, bad luck to your impudence! says Owld Nick: 'it is sthrivin' to chate me you are, says he, 'you villain!

An' maybe they're poppin' out of the wood behint us now, an' listenin' to us talkin'; though I'm doubtful if there's any in these parts, though down in Connaught they were as thick as blackberries in the ould days. O musha! musha! The ould days, the ould days! when will I be seein' thim again?

"Musha, sir," asked Shamus, scarce able prudently to control his agitation," and did he tell you that the treasure lay buried there ever so long under the open sky and the ould walls?" "No; but he told me I was to find the slab covered in by a shed that a poor man had lately built inside the abbey for himself and his family."

And if she did, Mad Bell grabbed it in her two hands it's not often she'll have a word for anybody and no more talk about it, but cocked it on, and tied it firm under her chin wid the sthramers, as tasty as you plase. Musha good gracious, to see the len'th she drew the bow out on aich side of her bit of a yeller face, and the nod she gave her ould head when she'd got it done.

"What is it, Paddy?" asked Dick, half astonished, half frightened at the old man's manner. "It's nothin' good," replied Mr Button. "There were two others, and I wanted to fetch them," grumbled Dick. "You lave them alone. Musha! musha! but there's been black doin's here in days gone by. What is it, Emmeline?" Emmeline was holding out her bunch of flowers for admiration.

"At him, good dog!" says Jack, and the word wasn't out of his mouth when Coley was in full sweep after the Red Dog. Reynard dropped his prize like a hot potato, and was off like shot, and the poor cock came back fluttering and trembling to Jack and his comrades. "O musha, naybours!" says he, "wasn't it the height o' luck that threw you in my way!

Come to its uncle, then. O good luck to yer purty little yaller face. So it wos you stole the brandy, wos it? Musha! but ye might have know'd ye belonged to a timp'rance ship, so ye might." Jacko spread his arms on Briant's broad chest they were too short to go round his neck laid his head thereon, and sighed.

Coolahan, "it might as well be the Inspector that came in the office, asking for the pin, an' if that was the way we might all go under the sod! Sich a mee-aw!" "Musha! Musha!" breathed, prayerfully, one of the shawled women.

"God be praised again? Musha, turn round a little, Owen, for 'fraid Frank 'ud get too clear a sight of your face at first. Arrah, do you think he'll know you? Och, to be sure he will; I needn't ax. Your voice would tell upon you, any day." "Know me! Indeed Frank 'ud know my shadow. He'll know me wid half a look."

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