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Updated: August 22, 2024

Whether by natural gift or acquired habit they could suffer pandemonium to reign all over the house, and yet lie ranked in the kitchen like Egyptian mummies, only that the sound of their snoring rose and fell ceaselessly like the drone of a bagpipe.

The next twelve cases are filled with human mummies and their coffins. In the first case is a mummy of Pefaakhons, an auditor of the royal palace during the twenty-sixth dynasty. This mummy is about two thousand two hundred years old. Upon it the visitor may notice the representation of Egyptian deities Osiris, the Hawk of Ra, Isis, the embalmer Anubis, and the bull Apis.

You can't expect a woman that's purty, and knows it, and ain't no more'n thirty-two or three, and don't look it, to be serious intrusted in mummies and pickled snakes and chemical perfusions, not ALL the time. Mebby when Mrs.

Succarina is a favorite, the kindest, easiest, and surest-footed of beasts, a diminutive animal, not bigger than a Friesland sheep; old, in fact grizzly with years, and not unlike the aged, wizened little women who are so common here: for beauty in this region dries up; and these handsome Sorrento girls, if they live, and almost everybody does live, have the prospect, in their old age, of becoming mummies, with parchment skins.

"It is the first time that no histories of your ways have come to our ears were you ill? or bored? We feared you were dead." "On the contrary, I was greatly alive," he answered gravely. "I was studying mummies and falling in love with the Sphinx.

The great merchants of the city of London instructed their agents in far lands to be on the look-out for rare things, and transmit them home to find a resting-place in Bodley's buildings. All sorts of curiosities found their way there crocodiles, whales, mummies, and black negro-boys in spirits. The Ashmolean now holds most of them; the negro-boy has been conveniently lost.

In a small side chamber, with the light falling full upon them, are three mummies, each with a hole in the skull and a gash on the breast, showing that they were the king's slaves, killed in order that their souls might accompany him and serve him beyond the tomb!

But Sartoris propelled his chair forward and grabbed Berrington by the arm. "You cowards," he yelled. "If I were not cursed by these crippled bones of mine, I would have plucked that fellow's heart from his body. Don't stand there like a lot of mummies. Pull him back, I say, pull him back."

On the other hand, I have ever met with the greatest civility from the Spanish Canarians. Two mummies of Canarian origin have lately been added to the collection, and the library has become respectable. The steamers are now so hurried that I had no time to inspect it, nor to call upon Don Gregorio Chil y Naranjo, President of the Anthropological Society.

The fact is, the latter is more likely than not to be "possessed" by elementals, which need scarcely be a matter of surprise when one remembers that bogs particularly Irish bogs have been haunted, from time immemorial, by the most uncouth and fantastic type of spirits. But mummies, mummies even more often than clocks and chests, are "possessed" by denizens of the occult world.

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