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"Oh, goodness, I don't know! The man who invented 'em, I suppose. Murphy." Raymond grinned in anticipation of his own forthcoming joke. "I should think they'd call 'em Morphy beds." Then, at her blank stare. "You know short for Morpheus, god of sleep. Learned about him at high school." Cora still looked blank. Cora hardly ever understood Ray's jokes, or laughed at them.

The frankness, the entire candor, and simple manliness of Professor Anderssen, who went from Breslau to Paris for the purpose of meeting Mr. Morphy and there contending for the belt of the chess-ring, and who played his games as if he and his opponent were two brothers, playing for a chance half-hour's amusement, is charming, and has won him regard the world over.

Morphy or Staunton, on whose calculations, I will suppose, you have staked £100, brook your insane solicitations to spare this pawn or withdraw that knight from prise, on the board which is but the toy type of that dread field where all the powers of eternal intellect, the wisdom from above and the wisdom from beneath the stupendous intelligence that made, and the stupendous sagacity that would undo us, are pitted one against the other in a death-combat, which admits of no reconciliation and no compromise?

The immigrant had learned its moves to gratify his father, and the doctor the truth is, the doctor had never quite learned them; but he was one of those men who cannot easily consent to acknowledge a mere affection for one, least of all one of their own sex. It may safely be supposed, then, that the board often displayed an arrangement of pieces that would have bewildered Morphy himself.

Professor Anderssen, Mayet, Lange, and Von der Lasa, in Germany, Dubois and Centurini, at Rome, St. Amant, Laroche, and Lecrivain, of Paris, Loewenthal, Perigal, Kipping, Owen, Mengredien, etc., of London, are all players of the heroic sort, and the games recently played by some of them with Morphy are perhaps the finest on record.

So I oh, how could I? I fixed a screen against the light and lay down, meaning to try again in a few minutes; but the instant my head touched the pillow I must have dropped asleep. The last thing I said was: 'Shall I tell Morphy you're coming? I was so tired that I don't know whether she answered. And this morning oh, I can't believe it; Oh, Helen, Helen!" "And this morning?" prompted Dr. Upton.

This interest in chess the subsequent career of Paul Morphy, the prime hero of that grand encounter, has greatly widened and deepened; and to all who had the chess-fever before his advent, or who have caught it since, this book will be welcome.

'Yes, but However, as his logic was absolutely unanswerable, she merely registered a protest. 'I cannot endure those cold-blooded ways of clubs and professional players, like Staunton and Morphy. Just as if it really mattered whether you have raised your fingers from a man or no! Knight smiled as pitilessly as before, and they went on in silence. 'Checkmate, said Knight.

The boat, which was much injured, was taken in tow, and carried out to the Odin. The other boats immediately opened fire, the gunner of the Vulture firing no less than twenty-seven times before he fell, badly wounded. One of the Vulture's boats, with Mr Morphy, mate, and twenty-five seamen, was disabled, and, drifting on shore, was captured by the enemy.