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Then he looked off to the left, where the blue outlines of a low range of mountains wavered in the heat like a mirage. "Imagination Range," he said moodily. He tickled the dun with his spurs and trotted along the crest of the lava ridge. At its eastern terminus he swung down into the desert and struck straight east in the direction of Imagination Range.

The whole assembly seemed satisfied with this decision except Pothinus. He had been so determined and inveterate an enemy to Cleopatra, that, as he was well aware, her restoration must end in his downfall and ruin. He went away from the assembly moodily determining that he would not submit to the decision, but would immediately adopt efficient measures to prevent its being carried into effect.

"There is a change in the place already," said her friend. They alighted in another minute or two, and when they entered the house the gray-haired Swedish woman greeted them moodily. She seemed to notice the glance Mrs. Hastings cast around her, and her manner became deprecatory. "I can't keep things straight now. It is not the same," she complained. Mrs.

It Will be readily understood, therefore, how it happened, that, whilst Goethe's gentle minded mother, with her flock of children, continued to be on the best terms with Comte Thorane, the master of the house kept moodily aloof, and retreated from all intercourse. Goethe, in his own Memoir, enters into large details upon this subject; and from him we shall borrow the denouement of the tale.

"I will take my chance," replied Tristram moodily: "my mind is made up to the worst. I will no longer serve this fiend." "What! dare you break your oath?" cried Fenwolf. "Remember the terrible consequences." "I care not for them," replied Tristram. "Harkee, Fenwolf: I know you will not betray me, for you hate him as much as I do, and have as great a desire for revenge.

I was alone in the compartment, and sat moodily watching the panorama of wood and river as we slowly wound up the tortuous ascents and descended the steep gradients. I had not even a newspaper with which to while away the time, only my own apprehensive thoughts of whither my helpless love was being conducted.

Jack walked thoughtfully around the room for a moment and then turned back to the others, looking moodily out of a window. "I've got it!" he shouted, slapping Frank on the back. "I should say you had!" remarked Frank. "What do you take for it?" "I say I've got an idea!" Jack explained, jumping up and down and swinging his hands over his head. "A peach of an idea!" "Does it hurt?" asked Harry.

Every day for years he had had glimpses of girls whose hair, hands, figures, eyes, hats, carriage, resembled the features required by his ideal; there always was something wrong somewhere. And, as he strolled moodily, a curious feeling of despair seized him something that, even in his most sentimental moments, even amid the most unexpected disappointment, he had never before experienced.

"Suit everybody." We came to the Mayor's office, and found Sadler, sitting alone by the window and looking moodily down on the Plaza, where the chain gang from the City Jail was pretending to mend the pavement, but mostly loafing and quarrelling. "Got him!" said Dorcas joyfully. "Thumped up the Jefe. First he cussed, then he calmed. That's his way. Be up pretty soon. Hold on! Wait for the Jefe."

She half-expected Craig, though she knew he was to be busy; he neither came nor called up. She dined moodily with the family, sat surlily in a corner of the veranda until ten o'clock, hid herself in bed. She feared she would have a sleepless night.