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They quite forgot that supper would probably be over at the Manor, and that Miss Russell would be wondering why Monica had kept them so long, and wishing she had not allowed them to go without Miss Frazer or one of the monitresses to escort them back. At last they tore themselves reluctantly away. It was much harder to come down the ladder than it had been to climb up.

"There'll be plenty of scope for it in the school, and I daresay I shall have a scrimmage or two with her myself. Certainly Muriel will! Don't look shocked. We'll do our squabbles in private if we have any. To the rest of the world, of course, the four monitresses will seem absolutely at one about everything. We won't give ourselves away!"

"Oh, I shouldn't like to face her in the study, of course." "Miss Fanny is a dear!" "And so is Miss Pollard." "What d'you think of the monitresses?" "Merle is A1!" "Yes, I'm taken with Mavis and Merle! Partly because they seem to belong to Chagmouth. They come over nearly every Saturday with Dr. Tremayne." "Good! Then we shall see something of them. Hello! What's this car trying to pass us?

After prayers the monitresses rose from their seats below the reading-desk, and, as they filed out, each in turn reported if any one had spoken or not spoken in the bedrooms. Breakfast consisted of thick bread and butter and tea for the girls, with the addition of an insufficient quantity of fried bacon for the teachers.

The moment work was over, Lindsay and Cicely seized upon Kathleen Crawford, who was rather a friend of theirs among the monitresses. "Who's the new girl?" they asked. "We hadn't heard anybody was coming." "She's only a day pupil for a few classes," answered Kathleen. "Her name's Monica Courtenay. She lives here, but of course not just now." "What do you mean?" enquired Cicely.

She had come from another boarding-school, and on the strength of this experience thought she had the right to become at once a leader at 'The Moorings. She was very disgusted not to be in any position of authority, and consoled herself by continual criticism of the monitresses, particularly Merle, with whom she was always sparring. She was a curious character, all precept but not much practice.

By this time both monitresses and mistresses had caught glimpses from the window and came hurrying out to see what was happening. Fortunately Miss Mitchell, who arrived first on the scene, took it in what the girls called 'a thoroughly sporting fashion. She laughed, and congratulated the wearers upon the excellence of their hasty costumes.

Fay was discreet enough not to mention her project to Iva or Nesta, in case, being hostel monitresses, they might have felt bound to offer conscientious objections. Members of the Fourth and Third forms, however, jumped at the idea of an impromptu fancy-dress parade, and the moment they were released from the dining-room they tore off to array themselves.

'The Moorings' won't be very much changed if it's just to be run upon the same old lines. I shan't bother to try and help. I might have done so much if they'd elected me, but what's the use now? I'm frightfully and frantically disappointed. If Miss Mitchell had had any sense she'd have waited a fortnight till she got to know the girls, and then have chosen the monitresses herself.

Muriel was canvassing among the juniors as hard as she could go." "I might have canvassed among the new boarders! Why didn't I think of it?" wailed Aubrey. "Well, really, it's your own stupid fault! Don't blame me!" snapped Merle. "Iva and Nesta said they didn't mean to ask for votes." "Well, they'd no need to. They were both jolly certain that Miss Pollard would make them monitresses.