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"Before I begin on the somewhat lengthy list of your qualities," he replied, smiling, "may I ask why you'd like to know?" "Yes," she said quickly. "I'd like to know because I think you've misjudged me. I was really more angry than you have any idea of at the manner in which you talked to Howard.

If you had only realized that all I wanted of you was to be yourself. It wasn't what you achieved. I didn't want you to be like Ralph or the others." "Myself? What are you trying to say?" "Yourself. Yes, that is what I like about you. If you hadn't been in such a hurry if you hadn't misjudged me so. It was the power in you, the craving, the ideal in you that I cared for not the fruits of it.

That is a personal insult which I feel and resent. To be for ever misjudged, to have my repeated offers of friendship weighed and scrutinized with jealous, mistrustful eyes, taxes my patience severely.

That I had misjudged her made me despise myself. Then I became aware that she was speaking to me, and I turned. "Mr. Crocker, do you think there is any danger that he will lose his way?" "No, Miss Thorn," I replied; "he has only to get to the top of that ridge and strike the road for Saville, as I told him." We were silent again until Miss Trevor remarked: "Well, he deserved every bit of it."

Shame, the stupid goddess who dares not behold herself, had taken possession of the young man. He had fallen ill; he would nurse himself; misjudged the quantity of a remedy devised by the skill of a practitioner well known on the walls of Paris, and succumbed to the effects of an overdose of mercury. His corpse was as black as a mole's back.

Oliver Hampden misjudged the depth of his father's feeling, and General Hampden was mortally offended by his having married without informing him. Oliver adored his father and he sent him a present in token of his desire for forgiveness; but the General had been struck deeply. The present was returned. He wrote: "I want obedience; not sacrifice."

The years as they passed only strengthened this determination. Each proud inclination of the head, each ceremonious lift of the hat, added bitterness to their mutual resentment to his feeling that she was spoiled by her money, and to her feeling that he wilfully misjudged her.

We may have need of mutual forgiveness, and I, who have so wronged your noble son, am willing to suppose that I misjudged you. I cannot, it is true, forego this lawsuit." Mr. Beaufort's face fell. "I have no right to do so. I am the trustee of my father's honour and my mother's name: I must vindicate both: I cannot forego this lawsuit.

What a strange creature; what a very strange creature. It was natural, she being so strange, that one should have, perhaps, misjudged her. . . "I'm sure you want some tea," said Briggs with eager hospitality to Lotty. He thought her delightful, freckles, picnic-untidiness and all. Just such a sister would he "This is cold," he said, feeling the teapot. "I'll tell Francesca to make you some fresh "

It is true that I take a sincere interest in Mistress Lanison, and I grieve to think that she has somewhat misjudged me, even as you have. You have also spoken some hard words against my valued companion here, Mistress Payne. Few men can see eye to eye, Crosby. You know Mistress Payne only as in your service an honourable service, I know, yet one she was not intended for.