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Kintuck is well but getting lazy." Mrs. Raimon wrote excitedly: "DEAR FRIEND: Here is work for you to do. The agent at Sand Lake has asked to be relieved and I have written Senator Miller to have you appointed. He thought the idea excellent. We both believe your presence will quiet the cattlemen as well as Talfeather and his band. Will you accept?"

The miller asked, "What did he say?" The peasant replied, "He says that the Devil is hiding outside there in the cupboard in the entrance." The miller said, "The Devil must go out," and opened the house-door; then the woman was forced to give up the keys, and the peasant unlocked the cupboard.

As an incident relating to her Ladyship has been mentioned in the "Memoirs of General Miller," I may be pardoned for giving it as narrated in that work. "On the 25th, six hundred infantry and sixty Cavalry, all picked men, were placed under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Miller, who received directions to embark on a secret service under the orders of Lord Cochrane, and proceeded to Huacho.

Flood, fire, wind, gravity, are for us or against us indifferently. And yet the earth is here, garlanded with the seasons and riding in the celestial currents like a ship in calm summer seas, and man is here with all things under his feet. All is well in our corner of the universe. The great mill has made meal of our grist and not of the miller. We have taken our chances and have won.

After that he went back into the castle, and found therein everything he needed. After a couple of days, the miller came and said he must inform him that the old ass which had received three beatings and only one meal daily was dead; "the two others," he continued, "are certainly not dead, and are fed three times daily, but they are so sad that they cannot last much longer."

Miller rather enjoys the distinction of being the only known deer hunter of the West who has chased his game and killed it with a locomotive. Surrounding Mountains. One should not fail to look back, as the train journeys along, for fine, full views of the Volcanic Mountains, the San Franciscos, Kendricks, Sitgreaves and Williams.

He might have said, "Remember, we're all counting on you. Don't let us down. You've got to get that balloon!" Instead of that, he glanced at his watch as if he had just remembered us. "All right; run along, you sausage-spearers. We're having lunch at twelve. That will give you time to wash up after you get back." Miller, of course, had to have a parting shot.

FERDINAND. I knew a time when the day was divided into seconds, when eagerness for my presence hung upon the weights of the tardy clock, and when every pulse-throb was counted until the moment of my coming. How is it that I now surprise? MILLER. Oh, leave us, leave us, baron!

"I'm sure she's a good daughter to you, Miller. And Will?" "Doan't you fret. We've worked it out in our minds me an' Billy; an' if two auld blids like us can't hatch a bit o' wisdom, what brains is worth anything? We'm gwaine to purify the awdacious young chap 'so as by fire, in holy phrase." "You're dealing with a curious temperament." "I'm dealing with a damned fule," said Mr.

Miller seemed little the worse for his accident, but he was blue; he had been particularly attached to the dog and felt its death more than his own misadventure. "Blankets, canned goods, saddles everything they could grab," muttered Williams, resentfully. "Nice condition to be in with a revolution looming." "Not looming, loomed," said O'Grady, cheerfully.