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They look upon sahibs and memsahibs as gods! I was a memsahib which means woman. I once had a Russian cook who always spat in the soup for luck. It was very funny. But we put up with it. It was the custom." "How you must have traveled to have such strange servants!" Saxon encouraged. The old woman laughed corroboration.

"Yonder, Sahib," and her eyes were turned toward the jewelled hill. As they rose to the hilltop that was a slab of rock and sand carrying a city, he asked: "Where shall I put you down that will be near your place of rest, your friends?" "Is there a memsahib in the home of the Sahib?" she asked. "No, Bootea, not so lucky nobody but servants." "Then I will go to the bungalow of the Sahib."

What reason is there in this? The coolie folded his naked arms, and dug in the dust with an unconcerned toe. 'I, what can I do? he said, 'It is the order of the memsahib. Ram Singh grunted and said no more. A rickshaw was coming down from the Mall, and the memsahib was in it. Ten minutes later the ponies stood in their traces under the iron bar, and the lady sat in the tonga behind Ram Singh.

I am to bring you safe to Jundhra!" She held her hand out and he took it like a cavalier, bending until he could touch her fingers with his lips. "What is the meaning of this hurrying of the guns to Jundhra, Risaldar?" "Who knows, memsahib! The orders of the Sirkar come, and we of the service must obey. I am thy servant and the Sirkar's!"

It was touch and go! I gave the touch! I saw as I rode how close the issue was and I saw my chance and took it! Had the memsahib been slain, she had at least died in full view of the English and there was a battle to be won. What would you? I am a soldier I." "Indeed you are!" swore Colonel Carter. "Sahib! Call my sons!"

The Risaldar swore into his beard. The High Priest grinned again. "I am not afraid to die!" he sneered. "Thrust with that toy of thine! Thrust home and make an end!" "Memsahib!" said the Risaldar, "all this is foolishness and waste of time! The hour is past midnight and I must be going.

Any one at the Judge's, Blayne? BLAYNE. Cockley and his memsahib looking awfully white and fagged. 'Female girl couldn't catch the name on her way to the Hills, under the Cockleys' charge the Judge, and Markyn fresh from Simla disgustingly fit. CURTISS. Good Lord, how truly magnificent! Was there enough ice? When I mangled garbage there I got one whole lump nearly as big as a walnut.

In those days I rode seventy miles with an English Memsahib and her babe on my saddle-bow. "Give me work," said I, "for I am an outcast among my own kind, and my cousin's blood is wet on my sabre." "Be content," said he. "There is great work forward. When this madness is over there is a recompense." 'Ay, there is a recompense when the madness is over, surely? the lama muttered half to himself.

Raymond ran to the verandah and saw him thundering down the sandy road that led to the residency. Arrived at the big white building Frank pulled up his panting pony on its haunches and dismounting threw the reins over its head and left it unattended. Walking to the hall door he cried: "Koi hai?" A drowsy chuprassi at the back of the hall sprang up and hurried to receive him. "Memsahib hai?

Mahommed Khan threw open the outer door and bowed sardonically. "Precedence for priests!" he sneered, tapping at his sword-hilt. "Thou goest first! Next come I, and last Suliman with the memsahib! Thus can I reach thee with my sword, O priest, and also protect her if need be!" "Thou art trusting as a little child!" exclaimed the priest, passing out ahead of him.