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'Maybe yo'll speak a word for him, mother, said Philip, annoyed at her silence. 'I'll do no such thing. Marriages are best made wi'out melling. How do I know but what she likes some one better? 'Our Hester's not th' lass to think on a young man unless he's been a-wooing on her.

'What's this? posset? what creatures women is for slops, said he; but he drank it all the same, while Sylvia fastened the door, and brought the flaring candle from the window-seat. The fresh arrangement of light displayed his face blackened with smoke, and his clothes disarranged and torn. 'Who's been melling wi' thee? asked Bell.

But I refused, for I knew the secret mixtures would make my fortune when I could establish a new dye industry. Field and Melling claimed they wanted the formulae for their fireworks, but that was only an excuse. The formulae were not nearly so valuable for pyrotechnics as for dyes. The fireworks business is not so good, either, since so many cities have voted for a 'Sane Fourth of July."

This pastor, who had succeeded old Melling a few years ago, was a short, bearded man of sixty, and he lived in lodgings on the outskirts of Rodchurch. Evidently he was not going home to dinner. Perhaps he had some sick person to visit, and he might get a snack at the Barradine Arms or one of the cottages.

But though the chemist seemed well physically, his mind appeared to be brooding over his loss. "If I could only get my secret formulae back!" he sighed, as he thanked Tom for his kindness. "I'm sure Field and Melling have them. And I believe they got them the night of the fireworks blaze; the scoundrels!" "Well, if I can help you, please let me," begged Tom.

When Field and Melling, whose rash conduct had caused them to be severely but not fatally burned, had been taken to a hospital and the fire was declared to be practically out, Tom made arrangements to leave his airship in the city field all night. "And you and your friends can come to Uncle Jasper's house," said Mary.

"I beat him week after week," he muttered, "for melling wi' mud images and running away to the forest to play wi' devils. 'Twas no good to him, being reared by an old witch." David's mouth set in a grim line and he rubbed the little black head with his crooked, skillful, weatherworn hand.

There wasn't enough fire in that room to have melted it." "No," agreed Tom, "it was mostly smoke in there, and smoke won't melt tin. Nor did I see any box on the table when we carried you out." "Then the only other surmise is that Field and Melling got away with my formulae during the excitement and when I was half unconscious," Went on Mr. Baxter bitterly.

Baxter says they took his formulae, but he may have taken something from them to make it even. The only thing is that I'd trust Baxter sooner than I would those two fellows, and he certainly had a narrow squeak at the fire. "But I have my own troubles, I guess, trying to perfect that fire-fighting chemical, and I haven't much time to bother with Field and Melling, unless they come my way."

'Maybe yo'll speak a word for him, mother, said Philip, annoyed at her silence. 'I'll do no such thing. Marriages are best made wi'out melling. How do I know but what she likes some one better? 'Our Hester's not th' lass to think on a young man unless he's been a-wooing on her.