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The sight of Mannie entering the room with Vance caused him to interrupt himself abruptly. He greeted the showman with a curt nod. "And who is this?" he demanded. Mannie, to whom a living millionaire was much more of a disturbing spectacle than the ghost of Alexander the Great, retreated hastily behind Vance. "He is my assistant," Vance explained. "He furnishes the music."

He began to stammer: "It's nothing.... He... he began to cry.... I couldn't... I didn't do anything.... What?" Giving no heed to him she began to walk up and down the room, clasping the child tightly in her arms and murmuring: "My little man! My little mannie! Was 'ou frightened, love?... There now, love! There now!... Lambabaun! Mamma's little lamb of the world!... There now!"

He always addressed it in speaking to it as a "little man." When it came running to him and jumped on his lap or climbed up his trousers, he would say, while patting its head as if it were a dog or a child, "Coonie, ma mannie, Coonie, ma mannie, hoo are ye the day?

"Just to the Bass, mannie," said he: "whaur the auld sants were afore ye, and I misdoubt if ye have come so fairly by your preeson." "But none dwells there now," I cried; "the place is long a ruin." "It'll be the mair pleisand a change for the solan geese, then," quoth Andie dryly.

"Just to the Bass, mannie," said he: "Whaur the auld saints were afore ye, and I misdoubt if ye have come so fairly by your preeson." "But none dwells there now," I cried; "the place is long a ruin." "It'll be the mair pleisand a change for the solan geese, then," quoth Andie dryly.

About this morning?" "No," protested Mabel, "to call on her. He's an old friend " In alarm Rainey pushed into the group of now thoroughly excited people. "Don't you believe it!" he cried. "If he's coming here, he's coming to give her the third degree " The door from the hall suddenly opened, was as suddenly closed, and Mannie slipped into the room.

Vance nodded and, waiting until from the back room he heard the voices of Mannie and Winthrop, he opened the front door and the two men ran down the steps into the street. While the conspirators were hidden in the vestibule, Mannie had opened the folding doors, and invited Winthrop to enter the reception parlor. "Miss Vera will be down in a minute," he said.

In her speculations, she was interrupted by "Mannie" Day, who entered softy through the door from the hall. "Mannie" Day was a youth of twenty-four. It was his heart's desire to be a "Broadwayard." He wanted to know all of those, and to be known only by those, who moved between the giant pillars that New York threw into the sky to mark her progress North.

She continued to scowl at those of her employers' customers who were men of family, and beamed upon the unmarried trade with all the partiality she had displayed during Mannie Gubin's tenure of employment. Indeed, her amiability toward the bachelors was if anything intensified, especially in the case of Mendel Immerglick.

Then, in the reassuring dialect: "Hoots, Bobby, open the bit mou' noo, an' tak' the medicine like a mannie!" Down the tiny red cavern of a throat Geordie poured a dose that galvanized the small creature into life. "Noo, then, loup, ye bonny rascal!" Bobby did his best to jump at Geordie's bidding.