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Then they were fetched, to the great joy of the King, and the wicked mother came to no good end. But the King and the Queen with their six brothers lived many years in happiness and peace. 'Der Norlands Drache, from Esthnische Mahrchen. Kreutzwald.

Sicilianische Mahrchen von Laura Gonzenbach. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1870. Long ago there lived a rich merchant who, besides possessing more treasures than any king in the world, had in his great hall three chairs, one of silver, one of gold, and one of diamonds. But his greatest treasure of all was his only daughter, who was called Catherine.

Wilhelm Grimm, in the comparative notes which he added to successive editions of the Mährchen up to 1859, drew attention to many of these parallels and especially emphasized the resemblances of different incidents to similar ones in the Teutonic myths and sagas which he and his brother were investigating.

The progress illustrated in these examples is that from myth to Mahrchen, and Humperdinck in writing his fairy opera, or nursery opera if you will, paid tribute to German nationality in the same coin that Wagner did when he created his "Ring of the Nibelung."

And in a moment the fire caught him, and he was burned up. Then the fairest in the world held out her hand to Ciccu and smiled, saying, 'Now we will be man and wife. So Ciccu married the fairest in the world, and became king of the country. Don Giovanni De La Fortuna Sicilianische Mahrchen

I had gone through three-quarters of the tales and notes contained in the present book before I became acquainted with the modestly named Anmerkungen zu Grimm's Mährchen, 2 vols., 1913-15, by J. Bolte and E. Polivka. This is one of those works of colossal erudition of which German savants alone seem to have the secret.

While emphasizing this fact, however, it is well not to forget that in turning to the literature of folklore for an operatic subject Humperdinck was only carrying out one of the principles for which Wagner contended. The Mahrchen of a people are quite as much a reflex of their intellectual, moral, and emotional life as their heroic legends and myths.

'Now, said he, 'you must each of you tie a stone to your necks, so that you may be sure to go deep enough, for I found the pigs that you saw very deep down indeed. Then the robbers all tied stones round their necks, and jumped in, and were drowned, and Master Joseph drove his pigs home, and was a rich man to the end of his days. The King Who Would Have a Beautiful Wife Sicilianische Mahrchen.

Another satirical protest was, as one reads from a contemporary review, “Die Tausend und eine Masche, oder Yoricks wahres Shicksall, ein blaues Mährchen von Herrn Stanhope” (1777,

'Die Siebenkopfige Schlange, from Schmidt's Griechische Mahrchen. Once upon a time there was a king who determined to take a long voyage. He assembled his fleet and all the seamen, and set out. They went straight on night and day, until they came to an island which was covered with large trees, and under every tree lay a lion.