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And a little imploringly, and very apologetically, Polly unfolded her artless schemes for self-advertisement. "Wife, I've a grave suspicion!" said Mahony, and took her by the chin. "While I've sat here with my head in the clouds, you've been worrying over ways and means, and over having such an unpractical old dreamer for a husband. Now, child, that won't do.

So we settled it between the two of us wan day, an' she passed me her word to bring me Barney's letther if e'er a wan comes the very minute she gets it, an' if he comes himself she says she won't let on where I am, all at wanst, but she'll tell him gradual. Sometimes I do be very unaisy in me mind, Miss Mahony, I assure ye, wondherin' what he'll say when he hears.

Worried and perplexed, unable to see before her the straight plain path she loved, Mary once more sighed from the bottom of her heart. "Oh if ONLY men wouldn't be so foolish!" Left to himself Mahony put away his books, washed his hands and summoned one by one to his presence the people who waited in the adjoining room.

Husband and wife sat and discussed the news, wondered how lameness would affect Purdy's future and what he was doing now, Tilly not having mentioned his whereabouts. "She has probably no more idea than we have," said Mahony. "I'm afraid not," said Polly with a sigh. "Well, I hope he won't come back here, that's all"; and she considered the seam she was sewing, with an absent air. "Why, love?

They drew up before a public-house. Cramped from sitting and numb with cold, Polly climbed stiffly down as bidden; and Mahony having unloaded the baggage, mounted to his seat again to drive the cart into the yard. This was a false move, as he was quick to see: he should not have left Polly standing alone. For the news of the arrival of "Doc."

On the third visit he was lucky enough to catch Mahony, and the door of the surgery closed behind them. Here Mr. Ocock sat on the extreme edge of a chair; alternately crushed his wide-awake flat between his palms and expanded it again, as though he were playing a concertina; and coughed out a wordy preamble. He assured Mahony, to begin with, how highly he esteemed him.

Besides, there was just a chance the young scamp would turn up in the morning. Morning came, however, and no Johnny with it. Outwitted and chagrined, Mahony set off for the court alone. Day had broken dim and misty, and by the time breakfast was over a north wind was raging a furnace-like blast that bore off the sandy deserts of the interior.

In an evil hour for himself Mahony consented to the proposal. When the Spaniards saw Peterborough's dragoons advancing without opposition through the difficult pass, and up to the very gates of the town, their suspicions of the treachery of their leader became a certainty.

"Phoebus is on the wane, girls. And it's going to be damn cold to-night." Once more with the young person called Polly as companion, Mahony followed after. He walked in silence, listening to the rattle of the three in front.

Yes, Ocock lived in grand style nowadays, as befitted one of the most important men in the town. His old father once gone and Mahony alone knew why the latter's existence acted as a drag he would no doubt stand for Parliament. Invited to walk into the breakfast-room, Mahony there found the family seated at table. It was a charming scene. Behind the urn Mrs.