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We had some lovely music, however, within doors this morning; and, in spite of the snow and the chill wind, a little fairy of a girl, with her groom, went off like mad across country on her pony, "Guinea Pig," to fetch the mails from Newtown-Stewart. Not long after breakfast came in from Letterkenny Sergeant Mahony of the constabulary, on whose testimony Father M'Fadden was convicted.

Do you insinuate there's any need for slithering ... as you call it?" cried Mahony. "Why, Dick, old man.... And as long as he gets you through, what does it matter?" "It matters to me, sir!" The rain, a tropical deluge, was over by the time they reached the hollow.

He unharnessed the horse, set Mahony on its back, and himself holding to its tail, forced the beast, by dint of kicking and lashing, into the water; and not only got them safely across, but up the steep sticky clay of the opposite bank.

He spoke from the hearthrug, where he had gone to warm his skirts at the wood fire, audibly fingering the while a nest of sovereigns in a waistcoat pocket. "I feared as much," said Mahony gravely; and therewith took the plunge. When some twenty minutes later he emerged from the house, he was unaccompanied, and himself pulled the front door to behind him.

But it certainly goes to confirm the estimates given me by Sergeant Mahony of Father M'Fadden's receipts at Gweedore, and the opinion expressed to me by Lord Lucan as to the average returns of an average Catholic parish, that the priest of Milford, a place hardly so considerable as Gweedore, should have acquired so handsome a property in the exercise there of his parochial functions.

Henry Ocock's greeting resembled an embrace "It evidently means a fortune for him" and all trifling personal differences were forgotten in the wider common bond. The lawyer virtually ordered Mahony to "sit in", till he gave the word.

Mahony translated them thus: how in the world I could ever have sat prim and proper on the school-bench, when all this change, adventure, romance was awaiting me? Jerry was only, Mahony knew, to push a wheelbarrow from hole to water and back again for many a week to come; but for him it would certainly be a golden barrow, and laden with gold, so greatly had Ned's tales fired his imagination.

This drew: "Ah, my pore lamb, you've got to feel worse yet afore you're better!" from Mrs. Beamish. It ended in Rogers taking up his quarters there, for the night. Towards eleven o'clock Mahony and he sat, one on each side of the table, in the little sitting-room. The heat was insupportable and all three doors and the window were propped open, in the feeble hope of creating a draught.

"Not so much gentlemening, if YOU please!" said a sinister-looking man, who might have been a Vandemonian in his day. "MEN'S what we are that's good enough for us." Mahony was nettled. The foreigners, too, were pressing him. "Am I then to believe, sir, what I frequently hear asserted, that there are no gentlemen left on the diggings?" "Oh, stow yer blatherskite!"

Henry Ocock was pressing for a second opinion; his wife had been in poor health since the birth of her last child. Mahony drove to Plevna House one morning between nine and ten o'clock. A thankless task lay before him. Mrs. Henry's case had been a fruitful source of worry to him; and he now saw nothing for it but a straight talk with Henry himself.