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The strangeness," she lucidly said, "is in what my purchase was to represent to me after I had got it home; which value came," she explained, "from the wonder of my having found such a friend." "'Such a friend'?" As a wonder, assuredly, her husband could but take it. "As the little man in the shop. He did for me more than he knew I owe it to him.

But, for myself, I know that I regard the absorption in art as a terrible and strong temptation for one whose chief pleasure lies in the delight of expression, and who seems, in the zest of shaping a melodious sentence to express as perfectly and lucidly as possible the shape of the thought within, to touch the highest joy of which the spirit is capable.

Nicolson." Everybody, being partially right, was delighted, and had known it all before; Miss Boulder agreed with Miss Anderson that Miss May had stated it as lucidly as Mr. Bramshaw could.

But somebody loved it. Somebody lifted up to his face eyes of silent welcome; sweet, soft, brown eyes, where never, since he knew them, had he seen one cloud of anger darken, one shadow of unkindness rise. "This is something worth coming home to," he said in a low voice, and not over lucidly. Ay, it was.

Lucky the beastly stuff wasn't boiling. I'm soaked." "While we wait the sausages Yes? a good idea M'Todd, he is downstairs but to wait? No, no. Let us. Shall we? Is it not so? Yes?" observed Bertie, lucidly. "Now construe," said Barry, looking at the linguist with a bewildered expression.

I cannot describe things, nor put out anything very lucidly except a balance-sheet; but I have a young friend here, who has been at sea all winter in those ugly gales that made us so uncomfortable on shore, and he will tell us something. Then we have also Mr. Fullerton, who has been working and speechifying to some purpose for years.

"You might of course get used to her you will. You're quite right so long as they're with us or near us." And she put it, lucidly, that the dear things couldn't help, simply as charming friends, giving them a lift. "They'll speak to Aunt Maud, but they won't shut their doors to us: that would be another matter. A friend always helps and she's a friend." She had left Mrs.

Moreover, the learned counsel for the defence has collated and compared that evidence so lucidly, and, I may say, so impartially, that a detailed repetition on my part would be superfluous. I shall therefore confine myself to a few comments which may help you in the consideration of your verdict.

If Neville abruptly tired of it, and set her face homewards in early April, it was partly because she felt the need of Rodney, and partly because she saw, fleetingly but day by day more lucidly, that one could not take one's stand, for satisfaction of desire, on the money which one happened to have but which the majority bitterly and emptily lacked.

And after that, he concluded, well, there was a bit of a scrap, and that's how it was. 'Lucidly and excellently put, said Psmith. 'That is just how it was. Comrade Jackson, I fancy we leave the court without a stain on our characters. We win through. Er constable, we have given you a great deal of trouble. Possibly ? 'Thank you, sir. There was a musical clinking.