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If she'd only told us she was going out with Merkle we might have framed something worth while I don't mind telling you this is a pretty weak case." "He won't stand publicity; they never do," averred Mrs. Knight. "Oh, he's not like Hammon; he hasn't GOT a family-and Lorelei won't back us up, either. We've got to bluff it through." "Wouldn't he marry her?" "Not a chance.

Sometimes the nymph is a wicked siren like the Lorelei; but in many of these tales she weds an earthly lover, and deserts him after a time, sometimes on finding her diving cap, or her seal-skin garment, which restores her to her ocean kindred, sometimes on his intruding on her while she is under a periodical transformation, as with the fairy Melusine, more rarely if he becomes unfaithful.

And because the only song the Head knew very well in German was the "Lorelei," we had it hour after hour. Being translated to one of the boatmen, he observed: "I have known girls like that. I guess I'd leave most any boat for them. But I'd leave this boat for most any girl." We were approaching the mountains, climbing slowly but steadily.

"Look here," said Starr, cautiously, "do you think we can paint out the name of 'Lorelei' when we get to Volendam, or must we engage a man to do it? Of course, if we could, it would cause less remark, especially if we did the job in the evening or early morning." "What! you took that idea of mine seriously?" I asked. "Certainly. It was a brilliant one."

The Lorelei has vanished, but her charm still remains. St. George's Linden The ruins of Castle Rheinfels, which stand above the pretty little town of St. Goar, are the most extensive of their kind on the Rhine. The castle was erected in the middle of the 13th century by Count Dietherr, a nobleman belonging to the famous Rhenish family of Katzenelnbogen.

"Mine is coming from you, I hope, otherwise I'll be a public charge until banking-hours." "You've been gambling again," Lorelei accused. Bob nodded carelessly. At their destination they found seats on a balcony overlooking the Hudson; and Jim, being in funds, played host with a prodigality that mimicked Wharton.

Once in her room, Lorelei gave way to the indignation that had been slowly growing in her breast. How dared Bob introduce her to such people! If this was the world in which he had moved before his marriage he had shown his wife an insult by bringing her into it. Surely people like the Fennells, Bert Hayman, Mrs.

If I hadn't been a fool I'd have guessed, but he Oh, I could kill myself!" She burst into strangling sobs and hysteric laughter. "Why did you let him come to the dressing-room?" Lorelei inquired. "He's been doing it for years. I've always known him. We were engaged." Hammon verified this. "That's right. They were engaged when I met her. She didn't know the sort of ruffian he is till I proved it.

Is your car here?" "Yes." "Get it. We'll go in with you. I had an accident to mine." "You'll see for yourself that you're wrong about the other." Hammon jerked his head meaningly toward the house, then strode away to order his motor. Merkle favored his young companion with a wintry smile. "It seems we're too late." Lorelei nodded silently. "Don't tell him who spoke to us out there.

Of a sudden the old life of the theater and the cafe seemed clean as opposed to the fetid existence behind her; even Jim, adventurer, crook, blackmailer that he was, appeared wholesome compared with men like Hayman and his brother-in-law. Although Lorelei, under ordinary circumstances, was even-tempered, her anger, once aroused, was tenacious.