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I'm quite awake and the same Barbara, though looking over a wider and eye-opening horizon, having had three rows of candles, ten in a row, around my last birthday cake and one extra in the middle, which extravagance has constrained the family to use lopsided, tearful, pink candles ever since.

No, I only have a sixpence on me, and I have to give that to the little fellow who is carrying my bag over the cliffs for me.... Yes, I picked him up about a couple of miles back. He has mud all up his trousers, I know." "Half an hour more," I told myself, and went on doggedly, my right shoulder on fire. "Dear, dear," he said solicitously, "how lopsided the youth of to-day is getting.

And uncle Charles had said so too. Mr Dedalus covered the dish and began to eat hungrily. Then he said: Poor old Christy, he's nearly lopsided now with roguery. Simon, said Mrs Dedalus, you haven't given Mrs Riordan any sauce. Mr Dedalus seized the sauceboat. Haven't I? he cried. Mrs Riordan, pity the poor blind. Dante covered her plate with her hands and said: No, thanks.

Any American who takes up with an idea such as New Thought, Psychoanalysis or Eating Sawdust, or any "uplift" of the kind becomes desperately lopsided in his seriousness, and as a very large number of us cultivate New Thought, or practise breathing exercises, or eat sawdust, no doubt the English visitors think us a desperate lot.

These were a few fragments which Cousin Gussie caught as they pushed their way to the gate. In one spot where a beam of light from the window faintly illuminated the wet, he glimpsed a flowered and fruited hat picturesquely draped over its wearer's ear while from beneath its lopsided elegance a tearful voice was heard hysterically demanding to be taken home. "Take me home, 'Phelia.

Pierre looked at the Cardinal as he appeared in the livid light from the window, puny, lopsided, with the left shoulder higher than the right, and not a sign of life on his worn and ashen countenance.

Like dogs barking at one another, thought Laura, listening to the loveless bandying of words she was unused to the snappishness of the Irish manner, which sounds so much worse than it is meant to be: and she was chilled anew by it when, over the telephone, she heard Georgy holding a heated conversation with Joey. He was a fat young man, with hanging cheeks, small eyes, and a lazy, lopsided walk.

When I came to try its capabilities, I found it terribly lopsided it soon began to leak, and in fact it exhibited so many faults, that I was forced to drag it again on shore, and take it to pieces.

It was easy of identification: its broken-down, lopsided top marked it beyond mistake. An instant later Dieppe recognised the burly figure of the driver, who was walking by his horses' heads. "Wonderfully convenient!" he exclaimed. "This fellow will carry you to Sasellano without delay."

Pierre was most struck, however, by the sight of Cardinal Sarno, who was lying back in an arm-chair with his eyes closed. The poor puny lopsided old man had lingered there forgetfully after expressing his condolences, and, overcome by the heavy silence and close atmosphere, had just fallen asleep. And everybody respected his slumber.