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She placed it in a chest, and put that in another locker, and tied it fast with leather, and layed it in the store-room, where the things were, and sealed it. And Ra-user came returning from the field; and Rud-didet repeated unto him these things; and his heart was glad above all things; and they sat down and made a joyful day.

For his part, having finished his meal, he pushed his plate from him, and, leaning back on the locker, looked at the empty bunks. Roberts caught his eye, and, with a nod and a wave of his hand, indicated the bunks. The fellow rose from the locker, and, amid a breathless silence, climbed into one of them Jem Dadd's!

All of the others went aboard of the Searchlight, Arnold Baxter being carried by the police officers, who attended to his wound as well as the accommodations on board of the yacht permitted. So far nothing had been said about the money and securities stolen by Baxter and Girk, but they were in a locker in the Flyaway's cabin, and easily brought to light. "This is a big day for us," said Dick.

"If you have any secrets, girls," remarked Grace in a hurt tone, "please postpone the telling of them for a few minutes. I am going, directly." She opened her locker and drew out her coat and hat, trying to hide the tears that filled her eyes. Then Marian Barber impatiently took the envelope from Eva and stepped forward. She had made up her mind to get the whole thing over as rapidly as she could.

The pirates had evidently a sufficient taste of the frigate's quality, and had no wish to try it further. Once more Jack was going below to finish his nap on the locker, when he heard Adair sing out, "There are two big junks close aboard us." Captain Grant was on deck in an instant, and ordered the capstan to be manned to work the ship round as might be required.

"Let me go!" he yelled. "Edmund will be killed!" "And you, too!" I answered. "Break open the locker and get the guns!" Jack threw himself upon the door of the locker, and strove to wrench it open. Meanwhile, half paralyzed with excitement, I remained standing at the door. I saw Edmund hurl aside those who attacked him, and push on toward his goal.

I ain't afraid of no bloomin' man nor devil. I ain't afraid of no Davey Jones bleedin' locker neither. I ain't like a bawlin baby afussin' at his dad for sweeties. I doant ask you for no favours but just one.

In our enthusiasm, we didn't notice the storm coming up. But luckily, being young persons of forethought, we had oilskins in a locker of the machine, and " "And here we are," finished Jess, shooting a "killing" glance from under her hood at the good-looking young man at Peggy's side. "Aren't you going to ask us in?" demanded Jimsy the next minute.

"Here!" he said, "get off this locker." And he proceeded to rout out two books and a case of maps. He spread them on the folding-table, and stood regarding them. For a time his Germanic discipline struggled with his English informality and his natural kindliness and talkativeness, and at last lost. "They're at it, Smallways," he said. "At what, sir?" said Bert, broken and respectful. "Fighting!

I was at work in this way when the two gentlemen entered. Mr. Jermyn smiled to see me with my coat off, rubbing at the glass. He also wished me good morning, which Mr. Scott failed to do. Mr. Scott took no notice of me one way or the other; but sat down at the locker, asking when breakfast would be ready. "Get breakfast, boy," Mr. Jermyn said. At that I put my glass-rag into the locker.