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Updated: August 10, 2024

A jointure had to be paid Lady Shelley of L500 a year. The different legacies still due in 1844 were L6,000 to Ianthe, two sums of L6,000 each to Claire, L2,000 to Hogg, L2,500 to Peacock. These various sums mounting up to L40,000, the remaining L10,000 can easily have been swallowed up by other post-obits and legal expenses.

Up, and with my head and heart full of my business, I to my office, and there all the morning, where among other things to my great content Captain Taylor brought me L40, the greater part of which I shall gain to myself after much care and pains out of his bill of freight, as I have at large set down in my book of Memorandums. At noon to the 'Change and there met with Mr.

To raise L40,000,000 by customs and excise costs about L3,000,000; so that the people have to pay L43,000,000, while the Government gets L40,000,000. In direct taxes, as income taxes, property rates, the cost of collection is very small about two-pence in the pound.

This is how I have reckoned; L10,000 extra to Rose; perhaps L1000 or nothing to H.; all the rest of ready-money a large sum no use guessing to Lady Jocelyn; and B. C. to little Bonner it is worth L40,000 Then she sells, or stops permanent resident. It might be so soon, for I can see worthy Mrs. Bonner to be breaking visibly. But young men will not see with wiser eyes than their own.

Mr. Green, he goes on to say, had promised to contribute L30 to L40 yearly, another pupil, "the son of one of my dearest old friends, L50," and L10 or L20 could, he thought, be relied on from another. The whole amount of the required annuity would be about L200, to be repaid of course should disposal or sale of his works produce, or as far as they should produce, the means.

22nd. At the office busy all the morning, and thence to dinner to my Lady Sandwich's, and thence with Mr. Moore to our Attorney, Wellpoole's, and there found that Godfry has basely taken out a judgment against us for the L40, for which I am vexed. And thence to buy a pair of stands and a hanging shelf for my wife's chamber, and so home, and thither came Mr.

The L100 which I represented in my study is now parcelled out; I am worth L40 or L50 to Kitty, L20 to Pisistratus, and perhaps 30s. to the children. This is life fractional. And I cease to be an integral till once more returning to my study, and again closing the door on all existence but my own.

So I walked with them in the garden, and was very angry with them both for their going out of town without my knowledge; but they told me the business, which was to see a gentlewoman for a wife for Tom, of Mr. Cooke's providing, worth L500, of good education, her name Hobell, and lives near Banbury, demands L40 per annum joynter.

We will consider the possibility of raising this L40,000,000 by direct taxation before we dilate on the advantages which would follow Universal Free Trade. Ricardo, at the end of his masterly consideration of the effect of taxation variously levied, comes to the general conclusion that the best tax is that which is least in amount.

After supper to bed. March 1st. This morning I paid Sir W. Batten L40, which I have owed him this half year, having borrowed it of him. Then to the office all the morning, so dined at home, and after dinner comes my uncle Thomas, with whom I had some high words of difference, but ended quietly, though I fear I shall do no good by fair means upon him.

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