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Updated: August 17, 2024

Speed! speed you all! for many pretty things have we to make for the little ones of earth we love!" But to the kobolds and the brownies Claus said: "Fly to every house on earth where the cross is known; loiter unseen in the corners, and watch and hear the children through the day.

Now in these subterranean caverns lived a strange race of beings, called by some gnomes, by some kobolds, by some goblins. There was a legend current in the country that at one time they lived above ground, and were very like other people.

The Dwarfs and Kobolds play what pranks they please on men and women, and they do not always have the worst of it. When I hear of their adventures, the soles of my feet tingle. This is a sign of travelling, and am I to be debarred from fun because I live in a lake instead of a hill?" His friends repeated their warnings, but to no purpose.

Then there is Arlo Bates' poem, "The Kobolds," which Parker has blessed with music as delicate as the laces of gossamer-spiders. His latest work is devoted to the legend of St. Christopher, and displays the same abilities for massive and complex scoring whenever the opportunity offers.

The heat was so intense that Hugo and Elsa could only just peep in. It seemed to them as if the little men must be roasted alive; but the Kobolds were used to it, and found it quite cool and pleasant. They swung their hammers and chattered away at the same time, the busier the merrier; they were never idle or tired of their work.

Grimy, half-clad, and brawny, with the whites of his eyes gleaming out of his black face, Jobst the Kohler startled Christina terribly when she came into the outer room, and met him returning from his night's work, with his long stoking-pole in his hand. Her father shouted with laughter at her alarm. "Thou thinkest thyself in the land of the kobolds and dwarfs, my girl!

After what seemed to me about twenty miles though he said it was only one and a half of this singularly forsaken country, he cried, "Look out now, or you'll fall in. Here is the brook." It made noise enough to be heard a long way off, but I thought that was something else some kobolds or other abnormal beings, probably, working at their forges underground.

I do not pretend to have touched upon all the myths referring to Fairies, as thus strictly defined; and the Kobolds and Puck, the Household Spirits and Mischievous Demons, have scarcely been so much as mentioned. Want of space forbids our going further.

"What do you expect to find there?" they were asked. "Little kobolds, with pointed caps, playing at ball with rubies and emeralds, and digging with golden spades," answered Babie. "And they shall give me an opal ring," said Elfie, "But Armine does not want the kobolds." "He says they are bad," said Babie. "Now are they, Mr. Ogilvie?

And so, in due time, it came to pass that, our Aladdin having rubbed the magic ring with which his Genius had endowed him, there came, out of some thunderous and smoky realm, peopled with swart kobolds, and lit by the white fire of gushing cupolas and dazzling billets, a train of carriages, drawn by a tamed volcanic demon, on a wonderful way of steel, armed strongly to deliver us from the Castle Perilous in which we were besieged by the Giants.

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