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Updated: August 21, 2024

What's to hinder you from electin' yourself and droppin' the rest of the ticket?" He had almost said "knifing." Mr. Kerrigan smiled. In spite of all his previous dissatisfaction with the Chicago situation he had not thought of Mr. Gilgan's talk as leading to this. It was an interesting idea. He had "knifed" people before here and there a particular candidate whom it was desirable to undo.

"Mi jasmin, Pearl, mi corazon," and she gazed at her mistress with wrinkled, cynical eyes. "Yes, Bob's got to do the telling." Pearl confided more to Lolita than she ever did in her fellow beings. "Oh, Rudolf, this is where you get knifed! They've been laying for you right from the first. When Bob's got to do a thing, he never wastes any time; he'll be along sure this morning.

When they reached the corpses of the second officer and a Spanish engineer who had been knifed in the defense of the jolly-boat his comrade had scrambled into one of the life-boats Tollemache took possession of such money, documents, and valuables as were in their pockets, intending to draw up an inventory when an opportunity presented itself.

Some climbing into boats were knifed behind; some half-drowned in the water we cut to pieces; some, but poor swimmers, never reached their ships; and more than one boat capsized, being overfull of raging and infuriated men.

I'm so swearing mad this minute I could kill somebody, in other words, that foul fiend of a James Van Horn smooth-tongued hypocrite that he is!" "Has he injured you?" "Injured me? Knifed me in the back, every chance he got. Always has but he never had such a chance as he has now. And plays the part of an angel of light in that house fools them all.

But the guide seized him by the arm from behind and swung him back again. "Not that way!" he growled. But he offered no explanation. In the "Hills" it is not good to ask "why" of strangers. It is good to he glad one was not knifed, and to be deferent until more suitable occasion. King started to run again, but this time along the same defended passage down which they had come.

His friend's brother inherited the beat and the Tenth-street or side door of the saloon at West Green Street, swung more loosely of hinge on Sunday than formerly. Some days after his dismissal O'Flannagan, passing the cart of a hot-tamale man at the entrance to the ball park, became involved in an argument between the vendor, a Sicilian, and a boy and was knifed by the vendor.

This detail attended to, Cappy's active mind returned to more practical and profitable affairs, and he took up Matt Peasley's cablegram. He was deep in a study of it when Mr. Skinner entered with the letter to Mrs. Kendall. "'Captain knifed, killed, Kru boy argument boat fare," Cappy read aloud. "Skinner, my dear boy, what is the cable rate per word to Cape Town?"

Caught me in the galley and I knifed him," panted the old man. A bullet whistled past. Wallace turned, caught sight of Slack's head above the hatchway, and fired. The head disappeared. A few moments and they were safe in the cabin. "You are wounded," Bob cried. Quinn shrugged. "A bullet grazed my head. Get ready for them. Never mind me."

I took particular notice of him when I served in her, because of his colour and size, and his sulky temper." "Jim," broke in the old man's voice, quaveringly, "you haven't murdered any one, hev' you?" The half-caste raised his dark, lowering face and looked at his father, and for a moment or so he breathed heavily. "Yes, dad. I killed th' man. We had a muss in Valparaiso, an' I knifed him."

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