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"Ah my dear fellow, it can't be described in cheap journalese!" I knew of course he'd be awfully fastidious, but our talk had made me feel how much his nerves were exposed. I was unsatisfied I kept hold of his hand. "I won't make use of the expression then," I said, "in the article in which I shall eventually announce my discovery, though I dare say I shall have hard work to do without it.

And he found himself wealthy, or at least comfortable, beyond the hopes of his most avaricious days, and famous beyond the wildest dreams that had flamed up in him when he had read his first journalese in print. Even at forty-nine he had made no close ties. One sister, Mrs. Gowan, was married to a somewhat consequential brewer, who in the journalistic days had rather patronized Hugh.

"And you won't lose your lens," replied the Journalist. "He never did a blooming thing that is, he didn't if he existed." "Oh, my eyes," said the Youngster. "I am disappointed again. I thought that was a simon-pure newspaper yarn one of your reporter's dodges real journalese!"

"Snuff that De Ville dropped on his hair in the dressing tent. Old Augustus never meant to do it. He only sneezed." "I do not see why you should not turn this immense amount of unusual information to account," I told him. "Unlike most men equipped with similar knowledge, YOU have expression. Your style is " "Is sufficiently er journalese?" he interrupted suavely. "Precisely!

"Was she ever intended to touch them?" "She satisfies," said Rickie mysteriously, "neither the professions, nor the public schools, nor the great thinking mass of men and women. There is a general feeling that her day is over, and naturally one feels pretty sick." "Do you still write short stories?" "Because your English has gone to the devil. You think and talk in Journalese.

Zuyland took a heavy column and a half, giving approximate lengths and breadths, and the whole list of the crew whom he had sworn on oath to testify to his facts. There was nothing fantastic or flamboyant in Zuyland. I wrote three-quarters of a leaded bourgeois column, roughly speaking, and refrained from putting any journalese into it for reasons that had begun to appear to me.

He tries to express all modern life in the terms of Greek mythology, because the Greeks looked very straight at things, and Demeter or Aphrodite are thinner veils than 'The survival of the fittest', or 'A marriage has been arranged, and other draperies of modern journalese." "And do you know what that means?" "It means that poetry, not prose, lies at the core." "No.

A reduction in the Forage ration was hinted at, and a string of Social Jottings followed, rows of asterisks exploding like squibs under every paragraphic utterance of the Gold Pen. Not for nothing had Captain Bingo dolefully boasted that his wife exuded Journalese from her very finger-ends. Saxham recognised in the style, the very table-Moselle of Fashionable Journalism.

You would avoid the cliché and the commonplace, and the phrase toute faite. Why? Not because you naturally write odd prose contrariwise, left to yourself you write pure journalese; but simply because you are swelled and puffed up with a desire to pose. You want what the Martha Brown school calls 'distinction' in prose. My little friend, I know how it is done, and I find it contemptible.

Haide, Zeitoonli! To Zeitoon! Chabuk!" Oh, bard of Avon, thou whose measured muse Most sweetly sings Elizabethan views To shame ungentle smiths of journalese With thy sublimest verse, what words are these That shine amid the lines like jewels set But ere thine hour no bard had chosen yet?