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Then with a gesture of entreaty he began to speak, and Nausicaä knew at once that it was no common man who stood before her. "Have pity on me, O queen!" he began, in soft and insinuating tones. "Art thou a goddess, or a mortal woman? If thou art a goddess, thou seemest to me most like to Artemis, daughter of great Zeus, both in face, and in stature, and in form.

It will not last the season out." "The green gooseberries'll be coming on, Miss Deb," was Master Cheese's insinuating reply. "And there's always apples, you know. With plenty of lemon and a clove or two, apples make as good a pudding as anything else." Miss Deb, always good-natured, went to get him what he had asked for, and Master Cheese took his seat in front of the fire, and toasted his toes.

The actual commerce compared with the amount of laughing, joking, shrieking joy of the occasion as one to a thousand. Generally three or four degenerate looking dirty East Indians slunk about, very crafty, very insinuating, very ready and skilful to take what advantages they could. I felt a strong desire to kick every one of them out from these joyful concourses of happy people.

Certainly it was agreeable, when the day's work was over, to find one's employer an intelligent and cheerful companion; and if he was sometimes a little sarcastic and sometimes a little too insinuating, and if I did discover that his mildness was more a matter of appearance than of reality if I did occasionally suspect the existence of flint or steel under an external covering of velvet still we are none of us perfect; and weary as I was of the atmosphere of brutality and insolence in which I had constantly lived at X , I had no inclination now, on casting anchor in calmer regions, to institute at once a prying search after defects that were scrupulously withdrawn and carefully veiled from my view.

The insinuating Mazarin, who availed himself of every opportunity to worm out secrets, and to make himself necessary by forced confidences, said, approaching the Queen: "That comes very apropos, just as we were speaking of the crown of Poland." Marie, who was listening, could not hear this, and said to Madame de Guemenee, who was at her side: "Is Monsieur de Chabot, then, King of Poland?"

What need you frighten a poor girl that is no schollard, bating what she learned at the Charity School of Saint Bees? 'Is Saint Bees far from this place, Dorcas? Do you send your letters there? said I, in a manner as insinuating, and yet careless, as I could assume. 'Saint Bees!

"I admit, Sire," I answered him, "that I am not the person required for affairs of that sort. Your cousin is proud and cutting; I would not endure what she has made others endure. I cannot accept such a commission. But Madame de Maintenon, who is gentleness itself, is suitable no one more so for this mission; she is at once insinuating and respectful; she is attached to the Duc du Maine.

"Be off wid yez!" she always began by saying. But the insinuating harmonica was his only reply; and she ended by begging him to come in and play for her while she messed with the pots and pans, and maybe found some batter for a plate of griddle cakes.

The moment I got a chance I slipped aside privately and touched an ancient common looking man on the shoulder and said, in an insinuating, confidential way: "Friend, do me a kindness. Do you belong to the asylum, or are you just on a visit or something like that?" He looked me over stupidly, and said: "Marry, fair sir, me seemeth " "That will do," I said; "I reckon you are a patient."

The First Consul, anxious before all things for peace in France, opened negotiations with the rebel chiefs, and took energetic military measures; but, while combining his plans of campaign with the insinuating charm of Italian diplomacy, he also set the Machiavelian springs of the police in movement, Fouche then being at its head.