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However, you'll have to consult Mr Caldwell about it the paying of it, I mean. Though the chances are, he will neither be able nor inclined to help you." "It is no great affair, anyway." "The helping you? or the sum total? It is more than half of David Inglis's yearly salary, and Aunt Mary has only that to keep house for them all at least, she can't have much besides.

Dick had a good memory for those who were kind, and those who behaved ill to him, as Bill Jenkins found to his cost; and never afterwards could he be persuaded to take a message to Mr Inglis's house, so wholesome was the dread with which the dog had inspired him.

Philip leaped off his donkey, and they were one on each side of Fred, heartily shaking hands with him. "I say, ain't you our cousin?" said Harry, breathlessly. "Our cousin from London, you know," said Philip, "that was to come by this train?" "My name is Morris," said the traveller, rather pompously, "and I'm going on a visit to Mr Inglis's at Hollowdell." "Yes, to be sure!" said Harry.

Mr. Copeland, Mrs. Paton, and I went round the island to Dr. Inglis's Station, where we were most cordially received and entertained by his dear lady, and by the Christian Natives there. As he was making several additions to his house at that time, we received for the next few weeks our first practical and valuable training in Mission house-building, as well as in higher matters.

The flames leaped from stack to stack, and from shed to shed, licking everything up, and seeming to laugh at the efforts which were made to stay their progress. The great barn full of corn was in a blaze, and the fear seemed to be that the farm-house where Mr Inglis's bailiff lived would be the next prey of the flames.

At last the Grange was reached, Mrs Inglis's fears set at rest, and, half-asleep, all three boys were soon up in their bedrooms, and the next morning, when the eight o'clock bell rang, more soundly asleep than ever, so that they had to be shaken and shouted at to make them get up, which they did at last, yawning fearfully, and feeling so stiff, sore, and aching, that they could scarcely move.

Sarah and Charlotte Oswald were to form part of their family for the next year, and Violet's work was to be to teach them and her sisters, and two little orphan girls who had been committed by their guardian to Mrs Inglis's care.

"I think I see myself doing it!" said Philip, as though it were a thing utterly impossible and not to be considered for a moment. However, before many days were over, he found himself at the bridge house, enjoying Mrs Inglis's kindly sympathy, and the delighted welcome of the children, more than he would have imagined possible.

The infinitely large, and the infinitely small in creation, admirably displayed. Hannah More's Letters: many of them entertaining many admirable for manner and matter, altogether too much; two volumes would have been better than four. Inglis's Ireland: I think he is an honest writer, a man of great observation and ability, and a true admirer of the beauties of nature.

Jem made a pretence of astonishment at the sight of him, meaning that he might very well have come to see his mother sooner; but David fell into eager discussion of some matter interesting to both, and then Jem went away to beautify himself, as he called the washing off the marks of his day's work. When tea-time came, Philip hesitated about accepting Mrs Inglis's invitation to remain.