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One consequence of the growing importance of the aeroplane in warfare is the development of a new military art, the art of camouflage. Camouflage is humbugging disguise, it is making things and especially in this connection, military things seem not what they are, but something peaceful and rural, something harmless and quite uninteresting to aeroplane observers.

After that they had to remove all the clothes and take the ironing-table to pieces; the top of this laid on to some shorter trestles was to be the dining-table. But just in the midst of all this moving a customer appeared and made a scene because she had been waiting for her washing ever since the Friday; they were humbugging her, she would have her things at once.

Manlike, he did not grasp the fact that under the circumstance merriment was all she could offer him, if she would save him from his own stupidity. "But I do hate money," she reaffirmed. "I shouldn't. Think of what it brings." "I do; begging letters, impostures, battle-scarred titles, humbugging shop-keepers, and perhaps one honest friend in a thousand.

Half the town had said the twins were humbugging when they claimed they had lost their knife, and now these people were joyful, and said, "I told you so!" If their fingerprints had been on the handle but useless to bother any further about that; the fingerprints on the handle were NOT theirs that he knew perfectly.

I have wealth for us both, and I have" he had almost betrayed himself, but he concluded "I have come to take you away forever." "Come to-morrow, at a decent hour, and I will talk to you." "Now, Maud, my beauty, don't believe I am humbugging. I brought a lot of money for you to look at I knew you wanted to be sure. See here!"

"Arrah, it's humbugging me yez are," said Darby, roughly, while he threw himself down into his chair in apparent ill temper. A loud burst of laughter broke from the bar at this sudden ebullition of passion, so admirably feigned that none suspected its reality; and while the sounds of mirth were subsiding, Darby dropped his head, and placed his hand above his ear.

She had confessed, instantly, with her humbugging grin, not flinching by a hair, meeting his eyes as mildly as he met hers, she had confessed to her fancy that they might both, he and his son-in-law, have welcomed such an escapade, since they had both been so long so furiously domestic.

What does it matter whether our neck-ties be once or twice round? Why don't they teach us to get an honest living and show us a good example? What good will all this humbugging do us? We don't want to come into such places if they will only let us live when we are out. Why don't they find us work and try to keep us out of prison?" "Ah! that would spoil their own trade," someone would reply.

"He may be telling the truth," said the coach driver, on hearing what Tom had to say. "But, all the same, I was driving around these streets for a good hour after I left here, and I saw no other rig with those men and your brother in it." "I am inclined to think the doctor is humbugging us," answered Tom. "But the thing is to prove it."

You can't say that you love the old man, or that the Ladies Sophie and Carolina Stowte are the women you'd have me choose for companions, or that that soapy, silky, humbugging Lord St. George is to your taste." "I am not sure about St. George. He can be everything to everybody, and would make an excellent bishop."