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In Conybeare and Howson's translation this text reads thus: "To be gazed at in a theater by the world." You as a Christian are here in this world on exhibition for God. He is the character you are to represent in life's great play. You must live in such a way as to do justice to his name. This world is looking on. God has written the entire play in his book. You have a life-time to play it in.

I find a touching picture of him in the unpublished letter referred to on a previous page, written in this very year 1848 to Dean Howson, as a young man, by his former pupil, the late Duke of Argyll, the distinguished author of The Reign of Law which Dean Howson's son and the Duke's grandson allow me to print. The Rev.

As it was, she passed her time during the forty-eight hours after reading Howson's letter in a silent and murderous concentration on one thought and wish George Sarratt's speedy death. What a release indeed for everybody! if people would only tell the truth, and not dress up their real feelings and interests in stale sentimentalisms.

Arden enquired calmly, stripping her fingers of their rings. "With a watchman patrolling the grounds all night " "Letty is sensible," Stanistreet interrupted. "Howson's faithful enough, and these American police dependable, but second-storey men happen in the best-guarded neighbourhoods. Be advised, Adele: leave your things here with Letty's." "No fear," his wife returned coolly.

"Little nephew that Janet's taking about!" murmured Maggie, in surprise; and to Edwin, "Do you know?" Edwin shook his head. "When?" he asked. "Well, this morning," said Mrs Hamps. "I met them as I was coming up. She was on one side of the road, and the child was on the other just opposite Howson's. My belief is she'd lost all control over the little jockey. Oh! A regular little jockey!

One was Owen's work on The Holy Spirit, another Weiss' New Testament Theology, and the third Conybeare and Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Each of these may be said, in its own way, to exhibit Christianity entire, and I learned them almost by heart, as one does a text-book.

'There was some big fighting on the Somme, the night before last, and the casualty trains have been coming in all day. I'm only able to get away for five minutes. 'Well now, Miss Cookson' he sat down opposite her, and tried to get his thoughts into business shape 'first let me tell you it's a great misfortune for you that Howson's had to go off.

Could she get it at once, or would she be kept waiting in town? The notion of having to wait one unnecessary hour tortured her. Then her thoughts fastened on Miss Eustace of the Enquiry Office, who had written her the letter which had arrived simultaneously with Dr. Howson's telegram. 'Let me know if I can be of any use to you, for your journey.

He described to her also, the first signs of Sarratt's returning consciousness the excitement among his doctors and nurses the anxious waiting for the first words the first clear evidence of restored hearing. And then, at last, the dazed question 'Where am I? and the perplexed effort to answer Howson's 'Can you tell us your name and regiment?

"Colonel Stanistreet?" he called diffidently. "Yes, Mr. Stone?" "There's something here I'd like to consult you about, sir, if you can spare a minute." "Certainly." The Englishman rose. "If you will excuse me, Monsieur Duchemin...." Half way to the windows he hesitated. "By the bye, Blensop, I wish you'd call up Apthorp and ask after Howson's condition."