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There was a service in the church at ten, and at noon all the really aged people in the parish had been invited to a dinner at Woodlawn. "I want to have a regular house-warming," Mr. Curtis had said to his wife. "I want to warm it with the good will of all our villagers."

Yet he could neither face being the cause of the first serious row in camp, nor endure the thought of having his particular guest drat him! flouted, and the whole House-Warming turned to failure and humiliation. Indeed, the case looked desperate.

At the house-warming dance the Lorrigans had practically cleaned out the crowd and sent them home long before daylight. There had been no serious shooting the Lorrigans had fought with their fists and had somehow held the crowd back from the danger-line of gun-play. But Mary Hope feared there would be a killing the next time that the Jumpoff crowd and the Lorrigans came together.

The Shuckleford ladies were invited, but unfortunately were unable to go, to a little quiet house-warming given by the Crudens on the occasion of their taking possession of the new house. But though they could not go, Miss Crisp could, and, as a matter of course, Mr Booms, in all the magnificence of last year's spring costume.

The bride kissed her, and said she was glad to have had her, and when they gave their house-warming she must be sure to come. "I've had such a lovely time. Thank you ever so much." "I'm the obliged one," was the reply. If she had not been in the carriage she must have danced all the way home. There was music in her head and a "spirit in her feet."

"What have you got there under the table-cloth?" asked Nikolay Vsyevolodovitch, suddenly noticing it. "That?" said Lebyadkin, turning towards it also. "That's from your generosity, by way of house-warming, so to say; considering also the length of the walk, and your natural fatigue," he sniggered ingratiatingly.

The painter answered: "I am the very person, monsieur." The notary then paid the artist a very well-turned compliment, showing that he was a man of culture. The painter, gratified, thanked him politely in reply. Then they chattered. Romantin returned to the subject of his house-warming, going into details as to the magnificence of the forthcoming entertainment.

Roger had engaged all the rooms in a small but delightful hotel for extra guests who would arrive for the dance and stay the night; and, in advance of the season as the house-warming was, word had gone out that the entertainment would be worth a long journey. The favours for the cotillon were said to have cost ten thousand dollars; and there was to be a "surprise" of some sort.

Pilar, who fancied him reconciled to the situation, grew easier in her mind, and by degrees lost much of her distrust. About a month later, toward the middle of March, she had so far regained her equanimity as to allow herself, after a steady resistance, to be persuaded by a friend to attend her house-warming ball "pendre la cremaillere," as they call it in Paris.

Heloise played the very devil to get me into the country, and I have found out the purpose of her game; she wanted me out of the way while she gave a house-warming in the Rue Chauchat, with some artists, and players, and writers. She took me in! But I can forgive her, for Heloise amuses me. She is a Dejazet under a bushel. What a character the hussy is!