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Blicky was gray of face and wild of aspect. "Jesse's come!" he yelled, hoarsely, at Kells. "He jest fell off his hoss all in! He wants you an' all the gang! He's seen a million dollars in gold-dust!" Absolute silence ensued after that last swift and startling speech. It broke to a commingling of yells and shouts. Blicky wheeled his horse and Kells started on a run.

Boys, it sure was some picture, on that June evenin', t' see that Injun when th' blanket fell off his shoulders, standin' like one o' them bronze statutes, with th' settin' sun a-hittin' him. I sure never will forget it. Old Gall, he pointed here an' there, showin' where Rain-in-th'-Face was, an' where Crazy Hoss was, an' where Crow King was an' all th' rest of th' other chiefs.

"Lost on the range?" repeated her father softly. "I don't think he could ever have been lost. To a hoss the corral is a home. To us our ranch is a home. To Dan Barry the whole mountain-desert is a home! This is how I found him. It was in the spring of the year when the wild geese was honkin' as they flew north.

"And there ain't ne'er a deer-track, ez I knows on, to p'int the way." "Then we must ride eastward and run the risk of pursuit by the Tuckaseges," said I. "Ez I reckon, that's about the long and short of it. And I do everlastedly despise to make that poor little gal jump her hoss and ride skimper-scamper again, when she's been fair living a-horseback for a fortnight."

"I have done it," continued Sam Wooden; "at first glance I should agree with you. Look carefully, Windy. Examine the details; never mind the toot enscramble. It's got hoofs." "So's a cow, a goat, a burro, a camel, a hippypottamus, and the devil," pointed out Windy. "Of course I may be wrong," acknowledged Wooden. "On second examination I probably am wrong. But if it ain't a hoss, then what is it?

All you've got to do is to sit tight till we locate him." "I'll not leave the house," Roy vowed fervently. Roy Rides his Paint Hoss But he did. For next day Pat Ryan rode up to the Lazy Double D with a piece of news that took Roy straight to his pinto. Beulah Rutherford had disappeared. She had been out riding and Blacky had come home with an empty saddle.

"Just a minute, friend," said Annersley as the trader started toward the boy. "I reckon the boy is right but we was talkin' hosses. I'll give you just forty dollars for the hoss and the boy." "Make it fifty and you can take 'em. The kid is no good, anyhow." This was too much for Young Pete.

I bought a pound of tenpenny nails, that I thought would come in handy in patching fences at home, and while the clerk was weighing 'em up I saw Tobe leave his chair behind a counter and go out and walk around the hoss. Finally he come to me and said, said he: "'Alf, does your Pa want to sell that stack of bones out there? "'He don't, says I, 'fer the hoss is mine; he gave 'im to me.

But he couldn't take time to hunt you up, an' all he could do was to swear that he'd hold fast to you the next time he got his hands on to you." "He'll never get his hands on me again," said George confidently. "I hope he won't, but if he does it'll be worse for you. That there black hoss of your'n is dead," continued Springer; "he was shot at Querétaro.

I'm my name's Racey Dawson, an' I used to ride for the Cross-in-a-box before I got a job up at the Bend. Jack Richie knows me. I ain't crazy honest." For Miss Blythe continued to look doubtful. "I " she began. "Lookit," he interrupted, "yesterday I got a heap drunk an' I rode off on somebody's hoss without meaning to I mean I thought it was my hoss and it wasn't.