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Updated: August 6, 2024

At the garden entrance we paid and dismissed the cab. I took Master Herbert's shoulders and Horrex his heels, and between us we carried his limp body across the turf a procession so suggestive of dark and secret tragedy that I blessed our luck for protecting us from the casual intrusive policeman. Our entrance by the kitchen passage, however, was not so fortunate.

I stepped back to the door, opened it, and, as I expected, discovered Horrex listening. "A bottle of champagne and a glass at once," I commanded, and he sped. "And now, Miss Joy, if you please, the constable and I will do the talking. What's your business?" "Prisoner wants bail," answered the policeman. "Name?" "George Anthony Richardson." "Yes, yes but I mean the prisoner's name."

A four-wheeler will be better, as you suggest, since with your leave I am going to take Horrex with me. The fact is, I am a little in doubt as to my influence: for to tell you the plain truth, I have never to my knowledge set eyes on your husband." "My husband?" She paused with her hand on the bell-pull, and gazed at me blankly. "My husband?"

And I thought that as his friend and with your influence over him " I pulled out my watch. "Has Horrex a hansom in waiting?" "A four-wheeler," she corrected me. Our eyes met, and with a great pity I read in hers that she knew only too well the kind of cab suitable. "Then let us have in the policeman.

There I chose to be conducted to the cell alone, and Mr. Horrex, hearing my decision, said fervently, "May you be rewarded for your goodness to me and mine!" I discovered afterwards that he had a growing family of six dependent on him, and think this must explain a gratefulness which puzzled me at the time.

Horrex, before he looked up and caught sight of me. His features underwent a sudden and astonishing change; and almost dropping a bottle of champagne in his flurry, he came swiftly round the end of the buffet towards me. "I beg your pardon, sir," he began, in a sort of confidential whisper, very quick and low, "but I was not aware you had arrived." I gazed at him with stern inquiry. "You are Mr.

But no: William had alluded to Mr. Herbert as to a youth sowing his wild oats. Impossible to contemplate Trewlove under this guise! Where then did Trewlove come in? Was he, perchance, 'Mr. Horrex, the butler? I gave it up and began thoughtfully, and not without difficulty, to case myself in the disguise of Punchinello. I resolved to see this thing through.

"I beg your pardon," said I. "He is at certain times not too tractable; Horrex, in particular, cannot be trusted to manage him; and and in short you wish him released as soon as possible, but not brought home to this house until your guests have taken leave?" She nodded at me with swimming eyes. She was passing beautiful, more beautiful than I had thought. "Yes, yes; you understand!

But he was gone: to reappear, a minute later, with a face whiter than ever. "The mistress wants you at on'st, sir, if you'll follow me. William, run out and see if you can raise another cab four-wheeler." "What, at this time of night?" answered William. "Get along with you!" "Do your best, lad." Mr. Horrex appealed gently but with pathetic dignity.

I carried on my chain a key which would admit us to these and unlock the small gate between them and the kitchens. This plan of action so delighted Horrex that for a moment I feared he was going to clasp my hands. "If it wasn't irreverent, sir, I could almost say you had dropped on me from heaven!" "You may alter your opinion," said I grimly, "before I've done dropping."

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