Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 6, 2024

They started up the walk upon the run, as though they expected to be followed and haste was necessary to prevent the failure of their plans. "Honk!" They stopped. It was a voice of authority. "Just look at him!" said the bride. "Oh, oh!" The bridegroom cried "Shoo!" but he might as well have said "Shoo" to a steam engine. On came the gander, with his head and neck upon the ground.

If she heard a whistle on the avenue, the honk of a car the familiar old signals of the boys and girls, she smiled her disdain, and curling comfortably in her great chair, bent her lovely head over her books. In the beginning her dreams were all of Daren Lane, of the strangeness and glory of this soldier who spent so many secret hours with her.

It was coming toward me, and faster and faster as it approached. I dropped my bundles. In a few flying leaps I returned to the road again, and armed myself with a stick from a pile of cordwood. "Honk! honk! honk!" It was a call of triumph. The head was high in the air now. My enemy moved grandly forward, as became the monarch of the great meadow farmyard.

The wash was that of a man, rather sporty striped shirts and socks of many colors. "Mighty late to be having the wash still hanging out," said Josie to herself. "Having trouble with servants, I wager. Hope so, anyhow." As she started to cross the alley the honk of a horn warned her of the approach of an automobile. She stepped back and a big touring car turned into the alley. Josie looked up.

On April 13, Richard was back in London and in his diary of that date he writes, "Never so glad to get anywhere. Went to sleep to the music of motorcars. Nothing ever made me feel so content and comfortable and secure as their 'honk, honk." From diary of April 22nd, 1907. A blackmailer named H called, with photos of atrocities and letters and films. He wanted 30 Pounds for the lot.

In the shape of an irregular V they journeyed, an old gander, wise and powerful, at the apex of the aerial array. As they flew, their long necks stretched straight out, the living air thrilled like a string beneath their wing-beats. From their throats came a throbbing chorus, resonant, far-carrying, mysterious, honka, honka, honka, honk, honka, honk.

Waiters scurry about; the café tables, crowded in these days with politicians, amateur diplomats, spies, ammunition agents, Heaven knows what, push out on the sidewalk. The people on the sidewalk are crowded into the street, motors honk, hoofs clatter, the air is filled with automobile smoke, the smoke carries the smell of cigarettes and coffee and women's perfumes it is "Bucarest joyeux!"

It would be hard to find a more peaceful picture in any country steeped in the most profound peace. There is not one jarring note until the 'honk, honk' of a motor is followed by the breathless, panting whirr of the engine, and a big car flashes down the road and past, travelling at the topmost of its top speed.

"You shall not undertake it." "Oh, but I must. I am expected. It is import " "If you are expected, why didn't some one meet you at the station? Seems to me " "Hark! Do you hear doesn't that sound like an automobile Ah!" The hoarse honk of an automobile horn rose above the howling wind, and an instant later two faint lights came rushing toward them around a bend in the mountain road.

When we had waited about a quarter of an hour Hans said: "Hist! Goose comes." As he spoke, though as yet I could not see the bird, I heard its cry of "Honk, honk" and the swish of its strong wings.

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