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In the darkness recognition was made through the fingers, and as there were eight enemies in the cavern and only one friend, I considered that the danger I ran of receiving a bullet from Holman was more than counterbalanced by the protection that the dancer's costume would give me if I ran against the groping hands of Leith or his gang.

The smile fled from his face, and his broken English nearly strangled him in his efforts to pour out enough of it to acquaint Holman of the nature of the agreement which he had entered into with Barbara Herndon. "Me only show you ring, that's all!" he cried. "You look, know little missee send me, ring mine all time. You give back." "You had better give it back to him," I cautioned.

Very cautiously we moved into the darkness of the passageway, feeling our way along the walls that were cold and damp from the moisture which had soaked through from the crown of the cliff. The place was not more than five feet wide, and as I walked along on one side of the wall, Holman, feeling his way along the other, could touch me whenever he wished to ascertain my position.

I became convinced that Leith had set out for the resting place of the Professor and his two daughters after placing guards at the inner opening of the corridor to see that Holman and I did not escape from the cavern, and I realized the terror which the two girls would experience when the big brute reached the camp. "The devil!" I muttered. "The fiendish brute!"

His confidence in the rascal who was possibly luring him to his death was pitiful to see, and we recognized at that moment that it would be useless to waste any further arguments with him. "We've got to get out of this scrape by our own efforts," muttered Holman. "The girls won't leave him, worse luck. If they would I'd turn tail this minute and make an attempt to fight our way back to the yacht."

"What's wrong with Leith?" I asked. "What are you hinting at?" Holman glanced at the Tongan at the wheel, then at the shadow patch that had disturbed his nerves a few moments before. "He's the devil!" he whispered. I felt inclined to laugh.

'And, said cousin Holman, scarcely waiting for her husband to finish his sentence, 'tell him there is new milk and fresh eggs to be had for the asking; it's lucky Daisy has just calved, for her milk is always as good as other cows' cream; and there is the plaid room with the morning sun all streaming in. Phillis said nothing, but looked as much interested in the project as any one.

There are moments when his great secret rises to every man's lips and flutters to wing away; but a thought, a glance, a word said or unsaid, turns it back and he holds it more closely. Wiley Holman had a secret which might have changed Virginia's life and filled every day with joy and hope, but he shut down his lips and held it back and spoke kind words instead.

All I knew about myself was that Jack had saved me from the wreck of a ship called the `Dove, which, with my name, `Tom Holman, he had tattooed on my arm. He had also put into a tin case the belt I had on and one or two other little articles, which tin case was in his chest.

My fingers came to a crevice in the wall as the question presented a bold front to the doubt that had gripped me. The fissure was some four feet wide, and my exclamation made Holman put a question. "What is it?" he asked. "Nothing," I answered. Wrecked hopes had made me cautious. Still I felt certain that I had remembered those words for some purpose.