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Updated: August 17, 2024

I think I know where I can find Knight, but Brown has gone on ahead. Do any of you know Brown?" "I do, sir," answered Tom. "We met at the same place last night, and then I got a good look at him in the lightning." "Hm-m-m! That may help." "Mr. Andrews," commenced Tom. "Yes? What is it?" "If we're going to delay a day, shouldn't someone be sent back with a message for General Mitchel?"

"Hm-m-m!" muses Aunty. "But you could skate very well. You taught me the Dutch roll. I remember now. Then there was the night we had the big bonfire on the ice." Woodie lets on not to hear this last, but grabs a sales slip and gets busy jottin' down items. I nudges Vee, and she smothers a snicker. We was enjoyin' this little peek into their past. Could you have guessed it? Aunty!

"Like the hen that hatched the eaglet " "And that Lewis Rand's no more Republican at heart than he is Federalist. He's just for Lewis Rand." "Hm-m-m!" "And that his name's known as far west as the Mississippi." "There's no law against a man's name spreading. It's what every man strives for. One succeeds, and the birds that carried the news are indignant." "And that he's an Atheist."

"Hm-m-m!" he mused. "Reckon you haven't heard the last of that outfit. Tatem'll have it up his sleeve for you long as he lives. Keep your eyes peeled. That Dusenbery outfit is the biggest set of timber thieves in the North Woods and I hope we catch 'em. Do I understand that your husband is looking for 'timber-lookers' who are looking for easy money on the sly, Mrs. Gray?"

This is like a spinning copper disk getting hot. Then, if you're obstinate about it, you get the equivalent of the copper disk melting. Probability gets so drastically changed that the violent thing you're trying to do becomes something that can't happen. Hm-m-m. ... You can't spin a copper disk in a magnetic field when it melts.

"Hm-m-m," said Sergeant Madden. He took the ejector-tube lanyard in his hand. He computed mentally. About a quarter-million miles, say. A second and a half to alarm, down below. Five seconds more to verification. Another five to believe it. Not less than twenty altogether to report and get authority to fire.

And if it ever got out they'd make a lot of trouble for...." He caught himself on the verge of saying "her," and added, "for that person." "Well," said the Captain, "that's of no importance to us. It makes no difference. The point is that you're back again." "It's of importance to me, I can tell you," said Tom. "Hm-m-m, I guess so.

"Hm-m-m," muttered the Bulgarian. "You have quite a fluent tongue, young man. And what are you doing here?" "Three of us," said Hal, indicating Chester, Colonel Anderson and himself, "were looking about Montenegro when the war broke out. We have been there since, lending what aid we could to the wounded. There we encountered Ivan Vergoff, who, for some reason, became attached to us.

"Look," said the plainclothesman, "there could be something in it for you if you ... hm-m-m ... wanted to make a little extra money." The servant looked regretful. "No chance," he said, "he's leaving today." The plainclothesman jumped. "Today?" "For Darth," said the Embassy servant. "The ambassador's shipping him off on the space liner that came in last night." The plainclothesman dithered.

It was astonishing how plausible "Hm-m-m," he said. "I have planned work of my own, as you may have guessed. I am here because of ... ah ... people on Walden. If I could make a quick trip to Walden my ... hm-m-m ... present position might let me help you.

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