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Having the honor of our family at heart, I was about to administer a little wholesome correction, when he reminded me he had been instrumental in tracking Miss Bassett, and thereby rescuing her: upon this I was, naturally, mollified, and sent him about his business, hoping to have seen the last of him at Highmore. "This morning my door is covered with opprobrious epithets, and as Mr.

Roundhand, as has been agreed by the board yesterday, quits the clerk's desk and takes the title of secretary and actuary. Mr. Highmore takes his place; Mr. Abednego follows him; and I place you as third clerk as This news will, I know, gratify my dear mother and you, who have been a second mother to me all my life.

Lady Bassett shuddered, but said nothing. But by-and-by her beloved son came to her in distress with a grief of his own. Ruperta Bassett was now the beauty of the county, and it seems Mr. Rutland had danced with her at her first ball, and been violently smitten with her; he had called more than once at Highmore, and his attentions were directly encouraged by Mr. Bassett. Now Mr.

While the letters were passing, came a climax. Reckless Reginald could keep no bounds intact: his inward definition of a boundary was "a thing you should go a good way out of your way rather than not overleap." Accordingly, he was often on Highmore farm at night, and even in Highmore garden; the boundary wall tempted him so.

My father was the eldest son, and they were entailed on him. But Sir Charles's father persuaded my old, doting grandfather to cut off the entail, and settle the estates on him and his heirs; and so they robbed me of every acre they could. Luckily my little estate of Highmore was settled on my mother and her issue too tight for the villains to undo."

When he was called clever this personage wanted to know what he had to "show;" and it was certain that he showed nothing that could compare with Jane Highmore. Mr. Highmore took his stand on accomplished work and, turning up his coat-tails, warmed his rear with a good conscience at the neat bookcase in which the generations of triplets were chronologically arranged.

Highmore remained silent so long that I had somehow the sense of a fresh pang; and after a minute, turning in my seat, I laid my hand on her arm, fixed my eyes upon her face and pursued pressingly: "Do you suppose it to be to my 'Occasional Remarks' that Mr. Bousefield refers?" At last she met my look. "Can you bear to hear it?" "I think I can bear anything now."

"I'm your father and a dying man," said the old gypsy, calmly, and folded his hands upon his breast with Oriental composure and decency. The woman threw herself on her knees. "Forgive me, father tell me, where is he?" "Highmore House." At that simple word her eyes dilated with wild horror, she uttered a loud scream, and flew into the house. In five minutes she was on her way to Highmore.

Then, at last, Compton was discouraged, partly by her beauty and size, partly by her taciturnity. He was silent in return, and so, in a state of mutual constraint, they reached the gate of Highmore. "Good-by," said Compton reluctantly. "Good-by." "Won't you shake hands?" She blushed, and put out her hand halfway. He took it and shook it, and so they parted.

And bad as matters were at home, I am sorry to say at the office they began to look still worse. Not only did Roundhand leave, but Highmore went away.