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The observations of Theophrastus are, however, so accurate, so lucid, and so complete that they might well be used as legends for the plates of these writers two thousand years after him. Nathaniel Highmore, A History of Generation, London, 1651. Marcello Malpighi, Anatome plantarum, London, 1675. Nehemiah Grew, Anatomy of Vegetables begun, London, 1672.

"Drunk!" said she, and went to scold him; but, when she got nearer, she saw at once that something very serious had happened. His dark face was bloodless and awful, and he could hardly drag his limbs along; indeed they had failed him a score of times between Highmore and that place. Just as she came up with him he sank once more to the ground, and turned up two despairing eyes toward her.

Brough and the West Diddlesex Association, suddenly quarrelled with both, and taking his money out of the concern, he disposed of his 5,000l. worth of shares to a pretty good profit, and went away, speaking everything that was evil both of the Company and the Director. Mr. Highmore now became secretary and actuary, Mr.

Of course when we said success we didn't mean exactly what Mrs. Highmore for instance meant. He used to quote at me as a definition something from a nameless page of my own, some stray dictum to the effect that the man of his craft had achieved it when of a beautiful subject his expression was complete. Well, wasn't Limbert's in all conscience complete?

Highmore knew a man in whom the slightest smell of musk caused headache followed by epistaxis. Lanzonius gives an account of a valiant soldier who could neither bear the sight nor smell of an ordinary pink. There is an instance on record in which the odor coming from a walnut tree excited epilepsy.

Jane Highmore, to my knowledge, wanted to lend him money, and there were even greater devotees who did their best to induce him to lean on them. There was so marked a "movement" among his friends that a very considerable sum would have been at his disposal; but his stiffness was invincible: it had its root, I think, in his sense, on his own side, of sacrifices already made.

According to Highmore, the atoms are circulated in the blood, which is a "tincture extracted from those things we eat," and these various atoms retain their formal identity despite corruption.

They dined early on Sunday, at Highmore, and Ruperta took her maid for a walk in the afternoon, and came back in time to hear the female preacher. Half the village was there already, and presently the preacher walked to her station. To Ruperta's surprise, she was a lady, richly dressed, tall and handsome, but with features rather too commanding.

Then, suddenly losing her self-command, she broke out, pointing through the window at Highmore, "He has got a fine boy to take our place here. Kill me, Charles! Send me to heaven to pray for you, and take another wife that will love you less but be like other wives. OF all the fools Nature produces with the help of Society, fathers of first-borns are about the most offensive.

I recognised Jane Highmore and instantly paused till she should drive down to me. She presently met me half-way and as soon as she saw me stopped her carriage in agitation. This was a relief it postponed a moment the sight of that pale, fine face of our friend's fronting me for the right verdict. I gathered from the flushed eagerness with which Mrs.