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As I hold up the torch to the dusky years by which I mean as I cipher up with a pen that stumbles and stops the figured column of my reminiscences I see that Lim-bert's public hour, or at least my small apprehension of it, is rounded by those two occasions. It was finis, with a little moralising flourish, that Mrs. Highmore seemed to trace to-day at the bottom of the page.

Great was the astonishment at Highmore when a blazing footman knocked at the door and handed Jessie the letter with assumed nonchalance, then stalked away, concealing with professional art his own astonishment at what he had done.

The lively little comedy of the Intriguing Chambermaid was adapted from Regnard especially for her; and in its published form was preceded by an epistle in which the dramatist dwells upon the "Factions and Divisions among the Players," and compliments her upon her compassionate adherence to Mr. Highmore and Mrs. Wilks in their time of need.

In 1651, Nathaniel Highmore, a physician at Sherborne in Dorset, published The History of Generation, which, he informs us, is an answer to the opinions expressed by Digby in The Nature of Bodies.

Those next times I had spoken of to Jane Highmore, I see them simplified by retrocession. Again and again he made his desperate bid again and again he tried to. His rupture with Mr.

This Wheeler was very fond of shooting, and could not get a crack at a pheasant except on Highmore; and that was a bond between him and its proprietor. It was Wheeler who had first told Bassett not to despair of possessing the estates, since they had inserted Sir Charles's heir at law in the entail.

Well, then, I will. Who are you?" "I am Compton. Who are you, please?" "I am Ruperta." "I never heard that name before." "No more did I. I think they measured me for it: you live in the great house there, don't you?" "Yes, Ruperta." "Well, then, I live in the little house. It is not very little either. It's Highmore. I saw you in church one day; is that lady with the hair your mamma?"