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Not far from the ancient and monumental tree lay a small sheet of water, once agile with life and vocal with evening melodies, but now stirred only by the swallow as he dips his wing, or by the morning bath of the English sparrows, those high-headed, thick-bodied, full-feeding, hot-tempered little John Bulls that keep up such a swashing and swabbing and spattering round all the water basins, one might think from the fuss they make about it that a bird never took a bath here before, and that they were the missionaries of ablution to the unwashed Western world.

And sez he, "what an extraordenary idiot anybody must be to believe in any sech thing." And ag'in he looked very skernful and high-headed, and once ag'in he shawed. And I kep' pretty middlin' calm and serene and asked the bystander, when the gost ha'nted, and where? And he said, it opened doors and blowed out lights mostly, and trampled up stairs.

I'm trying to establish a reputation for good sense myself." We got our dinners and set out soon after one o'clock. Louis wore a green velvet riding coat and handsome top boots and snug-fitting, gray trousers. He was a gallant figure on the high-headed chestnut mare which his father had sent to him. Purvis and I, in our working suits, were like a pair of orderlies following a general.

Bill Gregg found himself looking not into the savage face of such a gunfighter as he had been led to expect, but a handsome fellow, several years younger than he, a high-headed, straight-eyed, buoyant type. In his seat in the saddle, in the poise of his head and the play of his hand on the reins Bill Gregg recognized a boundless nervous force. There was nothing ponderous about Ronicky Doone.

She made a little mouth, but gave him the card, which he put back in his wallet and the wallet into his pocket. "You're welcome to a copy of the lines," he said. Alexina, bestowing on him a glance of lofty disdain, departed, high-headed, into the house. But he ran after her and stooped, that he might look into her face; was he laughing at her?

Hull not only to help him off, but also to keep the fact of Katy's having been there a secret from every one. "Some trouble with that high-headed husband of hers; I always mistrusted him," was Mrs.

She turned and, taking the rubber coat from a tree crotch, went striding away with her face toward the pale east and despite fatigue she went high-headed and with elasticity in her step. The two-storied house of Aaron McGivins stood on a hill-side overlooking a stretch of cleared acreage.

And she smiled and turned away with the uniformed snob by her side. MacRae had loitered purposely, and I overtook him in a few rods. "Well," I blurted out, as near angry as I ever got at MacRae in all the years I'd known him, "you're a high-headed cuss, confound you! Is it a part of your new philosophy of life to turn your back on every one that you ever cared anything for?"

That part of El Sangre's education was not completed, however, for only the actual work of a round-up could give him the faultless surety of a good cow-pony. And, indeed, the ranchman declared him useless for real roundup work. "A no-good, high-headed fool," he termed El Sangre, having sprained his bank account with an attempt to buy the stallion from Terry the day before.

Her chamber woman, in curch and tartan screen, was old nurse and sole domestic of the high-headed, strong-minded, stately widow of a wild north-country laird, whose son now ruled alone in the rugged family mansion among the grand, misty mountains of Lochaber.