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Updated: August 7, 2024

Behind the desk stood a man so large that he made Buell seem small. He was all shoulders and beard. "Can I get breakfast?" "Nobody's got a half-hitch on you, has they?" he replied, jerking a monstrous thumb over his shoulder toward a door. I knew the words half-hitch had something to do with a lasso, and I was rather taken back by the hotel proprietor's remark.

A flip, and the riata curled in a half-hitch over Solano's nose; and Jack was edging slowly towards him, his hands moving along the taut riata like a sailor climbing a rope. Solano backed, shook his head futilely, snorted, and rolled his eyes mere frills of resentment that formed no real opposition to Jack's purpose.

Slip the rope through the ring, or around the object, from left to right while you hold the long rope in your left hand. Take a half-hitch around the long rope, passing the end over the long rope, then under it. Transfer this loop from the short rope to the long rope by holding loosely, or giving slack, with the left hand and pulling up with the right.

"For God's sake, get a half-hitch on the saplin'!" called the cowboy. His quick grasp of the situation averted a tragedy. Jones was nearly exhausted, even as he was beyond thinking for himself or giving up. The cougar sprang, a yellow, frightful flash. Even as she was in the air, Jones took a quick step to one side and dodged as he threw his lasso round the sapling.

He drew alongside; leaning far over, heel to cantle, Stan threw his arm about the small red neck, and dragged the red pony to a choking stand. The small blue boy slipped to earth, twisted the soft bridle rein once and again to a miraculous double half-hitch about the red pony's jaw, and tightened it with a jerk. "I've got him!" shrieked the blue boy.

I remember, when I first began to tie flies, I never could arrive at this final knot, but kept on and on, winding the thread around the hook and making another half-hitch to fasten the ones that were already made, until the alleged fly looked like a young ostrich with a sore throat. "Or take the art of sailing a boat. You remember Fanny Adair?

If you get a slip-knot over his snout, and can throw a half-hitch over his tail, why, the biggest of them is easy enough to handle." "But what are they caught for?" "There's quite a steady sale. The big fellows are sometimes sold alive to parks and aquariums and circuses, but most of them are killed and the whole skins dressed and used for hanging on the walls of dens, like trophies.

I belayed the rope to the second cleat and set a half-hitch on the turns. Then I walked out of the museum and shut the door. "It had been very different from what I had anticipated. As I sat by the laboratory table with my head buried in my hands, I shook as if I had an ague; my skin was bathed in a cold sweat and I felt that it would have been a relief to weep. I was astonished at myself.

She had often heard the saying that "three half-hitches lost the king's long-boat," and she busied herself, at once, in repairing so imminent an evil. It was far easier for the good woman to talk than to act; she became what is called "all fingers and thumbs," and in loosening the third half-hitch, she cast off the two others.

Hallock has been making an inventory of material on hand for the past week or more, and now that I think of it, I remember having seen your wire and the telephone sets included in his last sheet of telegraph supplies." "There it goes again," said the trainmaster sourly. "Every time I get a half-hitch on that fellow, something turns up to make it slip.

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