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Updated: July 31, 2024

And, generally, this fear on both sides engendered a certain timidity and obstructiveness and want of elasticity which prevented the Church from incorporating into her system anything which seemed to diverge one hair's breadth from the groove in which she ran. Again, the Church was an immense engine of political power. The most able and popular statesmen could not afford to dispense with her aid.

The Emperor ought to be aware that no human consideration, no regard for his realms, nothing in the world which could be represented or risked, would cause him to swerve by a single hair's breadth from his path in the matter of religion. This path was the same throughout all his kingdoms. He had ever trod in it faithfully, and he meant to keep in it perpetually.

I had finger to trigger and had took up the slack, and a hair's weight more pull would have spattered yer head all around. And besides givin' me heart failure ye let that guy git away. We'll never find him " "You saw him?" McKay cut in. "I seen somethin' beyond ye couldn't make out what 'twas, but from the way ye was goin' over the top I knowed it must be a man. And then when the arrer come "

Down Atlantic Avenue the light cab swayed from side to side, swerving to within a hair's distance of the elevated structure. They wasted five precious minutes at the Ferry. From here the distance was short. At one end of the wharf Wilson sprang through the small group of stevedores who, their work done, were watching the receding steamer. He was too late by five minutes.

With these irons strapped to my feet I was able to stand upright, but it was only by a hair's breadth once and again that I got my load safely across. When I was wallowing in a hot bath at Council two days later I found that my hip and thigh were black and blue where I had fallen, though at the time, in my anxiety to save the dogs and the sled, I had not noticed that I had bruised myself.

The great, unwieldy thing was only a monumental bluff! It not only had not been locked, but it COULD NOT be locked the mechanism was out of order, the bolts could not be moved by so much as a hair's breadth! Still chuckling, Jimmie Dale shot the flashlight's ray into the interior of the safe and the chuckle died on his lips, and into his face came a look of strained bewilderment.

But now a faintness came stealing over him. His young heart recoiled at the thought of what he had done. This relenting, however, was repelled by the recollection of Long Hair's heroism, and his father and mother's beleaguered condition, if, indeed, the tomahawk ere this had not drank their life.

His lips were cracked and bleeding; his tongue was beginning to blacken and swell; his eyes were swollen nearly shut from alkali dust, and there was an ugly gash in the hair's edge above his left ear; he was caked with blood and mire, and he clung to the saddle horn with both hands but he drove six horses before him. They gave him, a little at a time, the heated water from their canteens.

"What in thunder does it all mean? Listen. 'Dear Dick: I don't know when you will come home, but as soon as you do, you will learn of something abominable that has been published. Don't mind, Dick. They did it to make you stop. You will not stop, will you? You're not to take any notice of this attack on me. You're not to flinch from the fight for my sake or deflect a hair's breadth on my account.

Her eyes turned in; her lips wore a maniac's laugh, and her troubled brow made her look like the death mask of a tortured murderer, the hell horror frozen on it. She sank at last into a hideous calm, with her strained and stiffened hands pointing weirdly up. She was like marble. She did not move a hair's breadth during the next two hours.

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