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"'It ain' gwineter p'isen 'im, is it? ax' Solomon, gittin' kin' er skeered; fer Solomon wuz a good man, en did n' want ter do nobody no rale ha'm.

S'p'osin' God 'ud sen' a jedgment on me s'p'osin' He'd take our little Jim?" "Sh, sh, honey," said Jim, with a man's inadequacy in such a moment. "'Tain't yo' fault; you nevah wished huh any ha'm." "No; but I said it, I said it!" "Po' Ike," said Jim absently; "po' fellah!" "Won't you go thaih," she asked, "an' see what you kin do fu' him?" "He don't speak to me."

Evidently none of the fellows were armed, at least with shooting irons, for it was almost ludicrous to see the rapidity with which they threw up their arms and showed signs of surrender. "Don't let dat little buster go off, mister. We ain't meanin' yuh no ha'm, 'deed we ain't now, We's jes' de most innercentest coons yuh eber seed, we is.

"'Scuse me, Miss M'ree," said Lize, "I didn' mean no ha'm to you, but I ain' a trustin' ol' Brothah Simon, I tell you." "I'm not blaming you, Eliza; you are sensible as far as you know." "Ahem," said Mr. Marston. Eliza went out mumbling to herself, and Mr. Marston confined his attentions to his dinner; he chuckled just once, but Mrs. Marston met his levity with something like a sniff.

"But, look hyeah, Missy, dem Lousiany people, dey bad an' dey hoodoo folks, an' dey Cath'lics " "Eliza!" "'Scuse me, Missy, chile, bless yo' hea't, you know I do' mean no ha'm to you. But somehow I do' feel right in my hea't 'bout Brothah Simon." "Never mind, Eliza, it is only evil that needs to be watched, the good will take care of itself."

"De oberseah wuz so 'stonish' he did n' ha'dly know w'at ter say, but fin'lly he ax' Mars Jeems ef he would n' gib'im a riccommen' fer ter git ernudder place. "'No, suh, sez Mars Jeems, 'somehow er 'nuther I doan lack yo' looks sence I come back dis time, en I'd much ruther you would n' stay roun' heah. Fac', I's feared ef I 'd meet you alone in de woods some time, I mought wanter ha'm you.

"I ain' losin' one ner 'tothah, but I do' see no ha'm in gwine ovah to de wes' plantation." "You do' see no ha'm in gwine ovah to de wes' plantation! You stan' hyeah in sight o' Gawd an' say dat?" "Don't git so 'cited, sis' Lize, you mus' membah dat dey's souls on de wes' plantation, jes' same as dey is on de eas'." "Yes, an' dey's souls in hell, too," the old woman fired back.