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They were followed by a shouting troop of small boys who overran the pavements, and some of whom were armed with baseball bats. The big trolley car was hailed by a dozen dirty little hands. Even the grumpy passengers were disarmed. The conductor took Mr.

Wedmore's special wish, had been prepared for that evening; and while Doreen and Queenie and Mildred Appleby and two young nephews of Mr. Wedmore's chattered and laughed, and made dinner a very lively affair, Max was quiet and what his cousins called "grumpy," and threatened to be a wet blanket on the evening's entertainment.

I have four on each foot, and I can scratch up all the food I want with them." "Well," said the grumpy old Shanghai Cock, "I am sick and tired of this fuss. Common eggs are good enough for Shanghais and Black Spanish and Bantams, and I should think " Just at this minute they heard a loud fluttering and squawking in the Hen-house and the Dorking Hen crying, "Weasel! Weasel!"

With them for the most sinful motives, as Rashîd averred, and, I suppose, believed he was all sugar; but when he came back to the house he was as grumpy as could be. Rashîd would have destroyed him at a nod from me one evening when he said: 'I think I must have left my glasses over at the school. Will you be good enough to go and ask?

"And we can't help believing that it's all your naughty conduct that's made us so. Why don't you tell the truth?" Chatfield uttered a few grumpy and inarticulate sounds. "It'll be a bad day for more than one when I do that as I will," he muttered presently. "Oh aye, I 'll tell the truth when it suits me! But I'll be out o' this first."

Tembarom, and the pianola was being played down-stairs rather loudly." "They do it every night, dang 'em! Right under my bed," growled Hutchinson. "You're an Englishman, aren't you?" "Yes." "So am I, thank God! " Hutchinson devoutly gave forth. Little Ann rose from her chair, sewing in hand. "Father'll come and sit with me in my room," she said. Hutchinson looked grumpy.

Faith! lad, I've had a joyous morn, chaffing Gleason and supervising his packing. What a damned sneak that fellow is, anyhow!" he broke off, in sudden disgust. "What's he been doing now?" "Oh! I can't tell you; just hinting and insinuating as usual. He's no end grumpy at being sent off; seemed to think he had the inside track with the Jersey bluebell. Hullo! There they go now. She and Mrs.

Sometimes Grumpy Weasel found the hunting poor along the stretch of stone wall that he called his own though of course it really belonged to Farmer Green. And though he disliked to wander much in strange neighborhoods, once in a while he visited other parts of Pleasant Valley.

"You'd better be careful what you say!" Grumpy Weasel snapped. "Unless I'm mistaken, you were hunting something the moment you saw me. You were hunting a hole." Mr. Meadow Mouse gasped slightly. He hardly knew what to say. "Be very careful where you go around here!" Grumpy Weasel warned him. "The holes in this stone wall are all mine.

I confess I was a bit tired. I had been looking for Lon to stop and make camp any time for an hour; but I had too much pride to suggest making camp or to ask him his intentions; and yet he was my man, lured at a handsome wage to mush my dogs for me and to obey my commands. I guess I was a bit grumpy myself. He said nothing, and I was resolved to ask nothing, even if we tramped on all night.