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Updated: August 7, 2024

No, I'd judge her as near my awn age as possible; an' to speak truth, not so well preserved as what I be." "How's Monks Barton gwaine to fare without 'e, Blee?" whined the miller. "As to that, be gormed if I knaw how I'll fare wi'out the farm. But love well, theer 't is. Theer 's money to it, I knaw, but what do that signify? Nothin' to me.

Then the miller heard of his loss, and, not unnaturally, took the business ill. "Gormed if it ban't open robbery!" declared Mr. Blee, as he sat and discussed the matter with his master one evening, "an' the thankless, ill-convenient twoad to go to Blanchard, of all men!" "He'll be out of work again soon enough. And he needn't come back to me when he is. I won't take him on no more."

Blanchard's cottage and announced it promiscuously about the village. Like a dog with a bone he licked the intelligence over and, by his delay in imparting the same, reduced his master to a very fever of irritation. "Such a gashly thing! Of all fules! The last straw I do think. He's got something to grumble at now, poor twoad. Your son-in-law; but now theer gormed if I knaw how to tell 'e!"

'Why, someun even made offer fur to marry her! If a ship's cook that was turning settler, Mas'r Davy, didn't make offers fur to marry Missis Gummidge, I'm Gormed and I can't say no fairer than that! I never saw Agnes laugh so. This sudden ecstasy on the part of Mr.

And then that sudden smile, half sly, half sweet, leapt to Will's eyes and brightened all his grave face, as the sun gladdens a grey sky after rain. "Look now, Miller Lyddon, why for shouldn't you, the biggest man to Chagford, give me a bit of work? I ban't no caddlin' chap, an' for you by God, I'd dig a mountain flat if you axed me!" Caddling = loafing, idling. "Well, I be gormed!" gasped Billy.

He was but a poor man himself, said Peggotty, but as good as gold and as true as steel those were her similes. It appeared, in answer to my inquiries, that nobody had the least idea of the etymology of this terrible verb passive to be gormed; but that they all regarded it as constituting a most solemn imprecation.

Blee was the first to stand bewildered before Ted's blunt announcement that he had come for Mrs. Blanchard's luggage. "What luggage? What the douce be talkin' 'bout?" he asked. "Why, everything, I s'pose. She 'm comin' home to-day that's knawn, ban't it?" "Gormed if 'tis! Not by me, anyways nor Miller, neither." Then Phoebe appeared and Billy heard the truth. "My! An' to keep it that quiet!

Cobley; "and however you had the wits to win a fortune and make hard-headed men in the West Indies believe in you, I'm gormed if I know, Jack!" He was put about at that. "Would you say as I didn't ought to meddle in her affairs no more?" he asked.

You such a man o' sense, tu! 'T was awver-ordained by Providence, though a artful thing in a young gal; but women be such itemy twoads best o' times stage-players by sex, they sez; an' when love for a man be hid in 'em, gormed if they caan't fox the God as made 'em!" "Her to do it! The unthankfulness, the cold cruelty of it!

"Allowed the Lard o' Hosts graws a bit short in His temper now an' again, as with them gormed Israelites, an' sich like, an' small blame to Him; but He's all for mercy at heart, 'cordin' to the opinion of these times, so you'd best to dig." "Why doan't he strike me down if I've angered Him not this innocent cheel?" "The sins of the fathers be visited " began Mr. Blee glibly, when Mrs.

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