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Updated: August 12, 2024

Napoleon would, doubtless, have deprived Villefort of his office had it not been for Noirtier, who was all powerful at court, and thus the Girondin of '93 and the Senator of 1806 protected him who so lately had been his protector. All Villefort's influence barely enabled him to stifle the secret Dantes had so nearly divulged.

The manager had been polite and even friendly, had seemed pleased at the visit of so influential a customer, and had shown him over the entire concern without the slightest hesitation. He had appeared delighted at the prospect of disposing of a whole cargo of props, and had raised no objection to the Girondin unloading at Leatham's wharf. The price was moderate, but not exceptionally so.

It is full of emotion, the most poignant, the regret for passing and irrevocable things, but the author is detached and cool. He is all bent on the fidelity of his picture. The Girondin is very much a different matter and occupies a place in Mr. Belloc's work difficult to discuss.

They went up-stream on the flood tide for some twenty miles, until the forest thinned away and they came on vineyards. There they went ashore, and it was not until the shades of evening were beginning to fall that they arrived back at the clearing. As they swung round the bend in sight of the wharf Mr. Coburn made an exclamation. "Hallo!" he cried. "There's the Girondin. She has made a good run.

She herself called him so on this occasion, and he belonged to the Jacobin Club; but he was also one of the Girondin party, of which, indeed, he was one of the founders, and it was as a Girondin that he was afterward pursued to death by Robespierre. Narrative of the Comte Valentin Esterhazy, Feuillet de Conches, iv., p. 40.

The syndicate had chosen the pine forests of the Landes for their operations because they wanted timber close to the sea. On the top of these considerations came the lack of secrecy about the ship. It could only mean that there really was nothing aboard to conceal. On reaching the wharf all four crossed the gangway to the deck of the Girondin. At close quarters she seemed quite a big boat.

It was not only the first important stage in the strife of the parties, but it was the decisive one. The question whether Lewis should live or die was no other than the question whether Jacobin or Girondin should survive and govern.

From Sieyès to Barnave, from Barnave to Camus, from Camus to Buzot, and from Buzot the Girondin to Robespierre the Jacobin who killed the Girondins, we traverse the long line of possible politics; but the transitions are finely shaded, and the logic is continuous. In the second week of September the Constitution of Mounier was defeated by the union of these forces.

A thousand regrets, but I fear my department will not be of much service to you." "No, sir?" Willis looked his question. "I fear not. But I shall explain," M. Max gesticulated as he talked. "After your last visit here I send two of my men to Bordeaux. They make examination, but at first they see nothing suspicious. When the Girondin comes in they determine to test your idea of the brandy loading.

I shall go and ask him." In a few moments he returned with a bulky volume. "One of the wonders of the world, this, I always think," he said, as he began to turn over the pages. "It gives, or is supposed to give, information about everything over a hundred tons that floats anywhere over the entire globe. It'll give the Girondin anyway." He ran his finger down the columns. "Ah! what's this?

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