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You must turn, Monsieur, said she, going with me to the door of the shop, and pointing the way down the street I was to take, you must turn first to your left hand, mais prenez garde there are two turns; and be so good as to take the second then go down a little way and you'll see a church: and, when you are past it, give yourself the trouble to turn directly to the right, and that will lead you to the foot of the Pont Neuf, which you must cross and there any one will do himself the pleasure to show you.

"Then Sir Lancelot rode straight unto the queen, and made a kirtle and a gown to be cast upon her, and then he made her to be set behind him, and rode with her unto his castle of joyous Garde, and there he kept her as a noble knight should, and many lords and kings send Sir Lancelot many good knights.

Hauteville hurried to the open window and stood there listening. Just below him in the courtyard he made out of the flashing helmet and imposing uniform of a mounted garde de Paris. And he caught some quick words that made him start. "A messenger from the Prime Minister," muttered the judge, "on urgent business with me."

"Speak the worst, Bertram Lyngern!" cried the old lady. "Thy Lord " It seemed to Bertram as if the only words that would come to his lips in reply were two lines of an inscription set up in many a church, and as familiar to all present as any hackneyed proverb to us. "`Pur ta pite, Jesu, regarde, Et met cest alme en sauve garde." There was an instant's dead silence.

Both are to be cultivated and admired, and when the latter dies needlessly, as at Balaclava, we are to be none the less proud of him, 'As a type of our chivalry. Of the longer poems, the two best in artistic quality are 'The Rhyme of Joyous Garde' and 'The Sick Stockrider. They afford a complete contrast in subject, tone and treatment. The old Arthurian story is the finer and more finished.

PARIS had been in the Garde du Corps, and, like most of his brethren, was strongly attached to the King's person. Rage and despair prompted him to the commission of an act, which can never be excused, however the perpetrator may imagine himself the mere instrument of Divine vengeance.

When the Bourbon, in his old lumbering state carriage, drove down the Boulevards, accompanied by the Garde du Corps, the people in the streets and at the windows displayed the wildest joy, enthusiastically shouting "Vive le Roi!" amidst the waving of hats and handkerchiefs, while white sheets or white rags were made to do the duty of a Bourbon banner.

Ledru-Rollin, after a terrible night of vacillation, resolved to throw himself on Lamartine's generosity. He went to him at daybreak and told him of the impending danger. At once Lamartine sent him to call out the National Guard, while he himself summoned the Garde Mobile.

Raoul rapidly makes Armand and his father known to the nearest "poste de garde." He obtains protection for them. His own troops are ordered to escort drafts of the swarming prisoners to the Orangery at Versailles. Already several thousands of men, women, and children, of all grades, are penned within the storied walls.

There is one among the fowls who has so far forgotten what is becoming to a hen that she plucks out all her feathers and lets the cock see it." "Prenez garde aux enfants!" said father owl; "children should not hear such things." "But I must tell our neighbour owl about it; she is such an estimable owl to talk to." And with that she flew away. "Too-whoo!