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These names prove that the art had been taught in many cities and countries: Ogier de Gant, Jean de Savoie, Etienne le Hongre, and Roger de Varennes, all suggest a cosmopolitan and dispersed number of workers, who finally all appeared in Paris. René d'Anjou had in his employ a worker in embroidery, named Pierre du Villant.

But if they have the sense to try the Crescent eh, Gant? Well, a safe voyage to you, man. Sleep in your waistcoat, and remember me to every one in New York. I can't promise when I shall be back. I have taken a fancy to England. Still, one never knows. Good-by."

I am happiest with my wife and family." "Quite so," his companion agreed. "I know your type, Gant, in fact, I chose you because of it. You like, as you say, to do your job and finish with it, and you have finished." The doctor turned for a moment deliberately round and looked at his companion. He was a heavy-browed, unimaginative, quiet-living man.

"Were these detectives from Liverpool," she asked, "able to keep any watch upon Doctor Gant and Mr. Jocelyn Thew after Chester?" "To some extent. There is no doubt that Jocelyn Thew spent the first night in Liverpool. After that he travelled to London and took up his residence at the Savoy.

Phillips who I understand died the day before yesterday under your charge." "That is so," Doctor Gant agreed. "He had no luggage, as we only made up our minds to undertake the journey with him at the last moment. The few oddments he used on the voyage, we burned." "And the body, I understand, " "You can examine it at once, if you will," the doctor interrupted.

There would of course be not the slightest chance of saving his life. The doctor who is with him Gant, I think his name is told us that anything in the shape of a rough sea, even, would mean the end of him. He quite understands this himself." Crawshay assented gravely. "It seems a little brutal but it is common sense," he declared.

Among others a soldier named Gant, of the 104th Ohio volunteers, presented a rebel battle-flag, which one of the officers stated to me was borne to the mouth of our cannon and planted there by a boy but seventeen years of age, who actually endeavor'd to stop the muzzle of the gun with fence-rails. He was kill'd in the effort, and the flag-staff was sever'd by a shot from one of our men. May '63.

The court contains the remains of a very fine piece of late Gothic, a tall ele- gant building of the sixteenth century. The chateau is naturally not wanting in history.

Now you had better step in and take your seat. Behold the creatures of our friend Brightman and the satellites of the aristocratic Crawshay close in upon us! They listen for farewell words. Is this your carriage? Very well. Here comes your porter, hungry for remuneration. Shall I give them a hint, Gant?" There flashed in the hunted man's eyes for a moment a gleam of almost demoniacal humour.

I helped Doctor Gant who seemed a very reasonable person, and who is known to me as one of the physicians at Miss Beverley's hospital in various small details, and at his request I went over the clothing of the dead man and even knocked the coffin to see that it hadn't a double bottom.