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Doctor Gant, Jocelyn Thew, a young woman called Nora Sharey, and Miss Beverley are the four people possibly implicated in their disappearance, although of these two I consider Miss Sharey and Miss Beverley out of the question. Nevertheless, their rooms and every scrap of property they possess have been searched thoroughly, and their movements since they arrived in London are absolutely tabulated.

"But I don't understand," Katharine faltered at last. "That packet has not been out of my possession, and I saw the notes put into it." "By whom?" Crawshay demanded. "By Mr. Phillips," she declared steadfastly, "by Mr. Phillips and Doctor Gant together." The detective turned the envelope over in his hand. "The bills seem to have disappeared," he observed.

I have seen death with hungry, outstretched arms, within a few seconds' reach of me, but I have never felt fear. I do not know what it is. The length of one's life is purely a relative thing. It will come in ten or twenty years, if not to-morrow. Why not to-morrow?" "If you put it like that," Gant grunted, "why not to-day?" "Or at any moment, if you will.

It appears that Gant alone had brought the coffin, which was left at the cemetery, and the funeral will have taken place t his afternoon. Mrs. Phillips was full of his praises, and it seems that he had paid her over the whole of the money you spoke about five thousand dollars." "There was no chicanery so far, then," Crawshay observed. "The man was dead, of course?"

"Even that is possible," he admitted. "Unfortunately, there was a cloud over my early days, a cloud heavy enough even to prevent my offering my services to the world through the medium of any of the recognized professions. So you see, Gant, I had to invent one of my own. What would you call it, I wonder? Buccaneer? Adventurer? Explorer? Perhaps my enemies would find a more unkind word.

Two of the women and one of the men are now here, waiting for the return of the main party, which has gone up the river to explore and select a suitable site for the settlement. The women are young, neatly dressed, and one of them may be called good-looking. Captain Gant, formerly of the U.S. Army, in very bad health, is also residing here.