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Updated: August 28, 2024

"As j-justice of the peace for Garfield County, S-state of C-colorado, I'm entitled to k-kiss the bride, but mos' generally I give her one o' these heart-to-heart talks instead, onloadin' from my chest some f-free gratis g-good advice," the fat man explained in his hoarse wheeze.

"What g-good do you suppose it's going to do to put the sheet over your head? Come on, I'm going to investigate." With sudden determination she slipped out of bed and stood up. "Billie," gasped Laura, "you're never going to go down there?" "I'm going to call the boys," said Billie, who, despite all her determination, could hardly stand up her knees trembled so.

Oh, say, Professor, g-good luck. G'-by." Immediately, without even the excuse that some evil mind in the Gang had suggested it, he prowled out to the Greek professor's house and tied both the front and back gates. Now the fence of that yard was high and strong and provided with sharp pickets; and the professor was short and dignified.

"Well, g-good L-L-Lord! a-ain't I tryin' to t-tell ye? When we crossed the river and g-got to the step-off, Rita and D-Dic had went away and D-Doug and me st-started after 'em down the path toward B-Bays's. When we g-got up t-to 'em D-Doug he says, says 'ee, 'I-I've come for my k-kiss, says 'ee, jes' that-a-way.

"They smell awfully g-good," whispered Annette. "What?" "The hoe-cakes. I didn't have any dinner." "Neither did I." Annette looked up quickly. "What were you d-doing out there on the track, Sandy?" The farmer's wife fortunately came to the rescue. "Hitch up yer cheers, you two, and take a little snack afore you go out in the cold ag'in."

"G-good evening," I said. He nodded and advanced a step. I noticed that he limped, and I had been told that my predecessor who had passed away the year before at eighty-five had walked in that way. "Don't pay too much for this place," he said, in a hollow, solemn voice. "Don't pay too much. It was 'prised in the settlement at nine hundred, and it tain't wuth any more."

"Thought you were at the capital," said the judge, reclaiming some of his self-possession. "Good many folks thought so," answered Jethro, "g-good many folks." There was no conceivable answer to this, so the judge sat down with an affectation of ease. He was a man on whom dignity lay heavily, and was not a little ruffled because Wetherell had been a witness of his discomfiture.

Rouletta laid a cold hand upon the shivering, distracted creature before her. Sternly she said: "I believe you know who committed that murder. You act as if you did." "I'm a g-good guesser, but I can keep my mouth shut. I know when I'm well off. That's more than the Count knew." "And you probably know something about his robbery, too. I mean that gold-sack "

"G-good evenin', M-Miss Mildred," said he; "I'm g-glad to see you lookin' so ch-cheerful." The tone was hearty, and with a dash of chivalrous sentiment rarely heard in a smithy. His look of half-parental, half-admiring fondness was touching to see. "Oh, Uncle Ralph," she replied, "I am never melancholy when I see you. You have all the cheerfulness of this spring day in your face."

If that don't suit a p-puncher I most usually h-hand him his hat an' say, 'So long, son, you 'n' me ain't c-consanguineously constructed to ride the same range; no hard feelin's, but if you're w-wishful to jog on to another outfit I'll say adios without no tears. You can't g-get rid of yore husband that easy, ma'am, so I'll recommend the g-good grub, s-seventy-five s-smiles per diem, an' the aforesaid more or less f-free rein."

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