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Updated: August 22, 2024

"Because," he said. "I'll g-g-give you my silver ring if you will, Jerry." "No," said Jerry more firmly. "Why won't you, J-J-Jerry?" "Yes, Gary," interposed his father with a dancing, twinkling light in his eyes, "why can't you promise it to oblige the lady?" "'Cause," Jerry informed him gravely, "when I grow up I'm goin' to marry Kathleen."

What more do you ask of life? What else can it g-g-give?" "It does not make me happy! I shall never be happy until I have a home," she said, still sobbing, and trying to conceal the cause of her grief from herself as well as from her husband. Nothing could have astonished the great, well-fed animal by her side more than this confession. In all his life he had never heaved a sigh.

"S-s-says he'll go plumb ter Denver 'fore he 'll g-g-give up, an' if he d-don't f-find any sich he 'll c-c-come back an' p-p-perforate F-F-Farnham." "Bedad!" a tinge of unrestrained delight apparent in the sudden roar, "an' was he hot?" "H-he sure was. He m-m-m-meant business all r-right, an' hed f-f-forty rounds b-b-buckled on him.

"You g-g-got up very early to t-t-tell me that," said Grandet, accompanying the remark with a motion of his wen. "Well, old c-c-comrade, I'll be frank, and t-t-tell you what you want t-t-to know. I would rather, do you see, f-f-fling my daughter into the Loire than g-g-give her to her c-c-cousin. You may t-t-tell that everywhere, no, never mind; let the world t-t-talk."

The third and last line was longer, larger, and in every way more formidable, owing to the sudden deepening of the water. Both Ben and Ralph were rather exhausted from their previous exertions, and Duff yelled himself hoarse in his repeated entreaties to: "Give way! G-g-give wa-a-a-y I tell you! Don't you see we're gone? Keep her nose up! K-e-e-p it u-u-u-p-p!

"Well, if there is, I haven't had a squint of 'em," Steve took occasion to remark, before the one addressed could reply. "S-s-somebody g-g-give 'em a hail!" said Toby, sensibly. So Max immediately called out: "Hello there!" No response followed.

"And say, fellows, I was just thinking about that poor widow, Mrs. Badger, and her t-t-three children. Her house is on low g-g-ground, ain't it; and the water must be around the d-d-doorsill right now. G-g-give the word, Max, and let's s-s-scoot around there to see."

Uncertain as to the exact location of the object of his hatred, he raised his knife and struck at random; but the blow spent itself in air. The futility and helplessness of his efforts crazed him. "Where are you? G-g-give me some sign!" he cried. "I am here," said David in a voice whose preternatural calmness sent a shudder to the heart of his friend.

He pulled out the ends of his long black mustache to their utmost limit, twisted them into ropes, rubbed his hands together, slapped his great thigh and laughed long and loud. "David, my son," he exclaimed, "you have the touch of Midas; g-g-give us a few years more and we will outrank the fabled Croesus. We shall yet be masters of the world. We shall ride upon its neck as if it w-w-were an ass!

Gimmee thet ball, an' you use the other, or I'll stop the game." Wherewith the shrewd umpire took the ball from Merritt's hand and fished the "rabbit" from his pocket. Our thwarted manager stuttered his wrath. "Y-you be-be-wh-whiskered y-yap! I'll g-g-give " What dire threat he had in mind never materialized, for he became speechless.

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