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Took baths at Ragaz. Longmans came there on the 22nd. September 10th. Sir Henry Holland dined with us. He had just been to Nijni Novgorod, and was starting for Naples. He died as soon as he got back, on October 27th. This was the last time I saw him. He was then eighty-five. To Bracknell in September. September 27th. To Christchurch. Ordered fences for Foxholes. October 3rd.

It appears, indeed, that the advisability of settling on it themselves was considered; but there was no house on the property; so that as in either case a house had to be built, the Christchurch site was preferred. In June Reeve sold this Winkfield property for nearly 6,000 L., which he added to a note of the sale 'enabled me to build Foxholes. The last letter he wrote me with his own hand.

An exceptional chance gives us a picture of Foxholes, at this time, when twenty years' occupation had enabled its owner to perfect all the details which go to make up comfort. During his absence in London in the beginning of 1894, he let it, for the only time, to his friend, Lord Hobhouse, for many years a member of the Judicial Committee, and just then convalescent after a serious illness.

I hope you will sell as many as there are bunches of primroses in Covent Garden Market. The extent of Lord Beaconsfield's popularity is really curious. Yet this is the man whom Gladstone hunted to death and called a fiend!! And the Journal for the summer runs: At Foxholes all May. June 26th. Marriage of Hallam Tennyson and Miss Boyle in Henry VII.'s Chapel. July 12th. Dinner at Sir Henry Maine's.

I went to Aix, May 30th; but was worse there, and came back, June 19th. July 7th. Garden party at Holland House; the only thing I was able to go to this year from incessant gout. 12th. Came down to Foxholes. Great heat; no rain from April till August. To Lord Derby 62 Rutland Gate, April 28th.

Notwithstanding, she prevented the publication of more than two calf-skin volumes at a time of the Vicar's sermons; she turned madam aside when she would have hung the parlour with gilt leather, in imitation of Foxholes; and she restricted the little girls to fresh ribbons once a month, and stomachers of their own working.

26th. To Malvern with Hopie; 27th, Worcester; 28th, Tewkesbury; 29th, Hereford Cathedral; then Boss, Monmouth, and Chepstow. September 1st. Chepstow Castle, Tintern Abbey, then to Clifton across the Severn. 2nd, rain, so returned to Foxholes. From the Comte de Paris 18 septembre. Je m'empresse de vous remercier de votre lettre du 15, qui m'est parvenue hier.

And for the next fifteen years a large part of his time was passed at Foxholes, where, in the most delightful climate known in this country, surrounded by beautiful scenery and with a commanding view of the sea, amid the comforts of home and in the company of his books and his chosen friends, he could say, from both the material and moral point of view: Suave, mari magno turbantibus aequora ventis, E terra magnum alterius spectare laborem.

They spoke also of Foxholes, of Letty and Grizel, of Sedley and Bearwood, and Dick Ashbridge at whose name Prissy laughed saucily, and Fiddy bit her lips and frowned as fiercely as she was able. With what penetration Mistress Betty read their connections, and how blithely and tenderly she commented upon them!

The first planting at Foxholes was done in the course of this autumn, but the garden was not made till the following spring. November 17th. Dined at Lord Derby's with several of the ministers, and was introduced to Count Schouvaloff. 20th. Dinner at home to the Jarnacs, Lady Derby, Lady Cowley, Lady Molesworth, Chief Justice Cockburn and A. Elliot. Several pleasant dinners through the winter.