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Suddenly a frightened rabbit burst out of a disturbed hole, and Geoffry, with a shout of delight, in pure instinct flung a stone. By a strange, unhappy fluke, expected least of all by himself, the stone hit the poor little terrified thing and it rolled over dead.

He may multiply seven by eight by a fluke after a little study of the multiplication table, but he will not be able to extract the cube root of 4913 by a fluke, without long training in arithmetic, any more than an agricultural labourer would be able to operate successfully for cataract.

"Go and have a turn with Vesty yourself," said Fluke; "we'll keep up fiddling, change about, with the organ." Judah Kobbe, cousin and guest of the Pharo Kobbes, playing with such lively spirit and abandon that the very lamps danced upon the organ-brackets in untripping time with the feet of the dancers on the floor. I had already detected in the tone of society toward Mr. and Mrs.

Mr Fluke insisted on paying off all the mortgages, so that Owen might commence his new career free of incumbrances. "Begin, my dear boy, out of debt, and never get into it," said the old man; "you'll never regret following that rule, whatever else you may be sorry for."

She would have gone herself, but she had to take care of the house. Owen and Joseph drove off. They were to call at the office at Wapping before they took boat to proceed down the river. Owen hurried in. Mr Fluke received him in his private room, and, putting a purse into his hand, said, "Take care of that. Spend its contents as you may find necessary, but do not be swindled out of it.

"I saw something red, and I supposed of course " Not waiting to let her finish, I exclaimed, "There's been a fluke somewhere, I'm afraid; but we are still in good shape, for the train can't possibly be here under an hour. I'll get my field-glasses and have another look before I decide what " My speech was interrupted by the entrance of the sheriff and Mr. Camp!

I have a horror of humbug; and to pose as sole and chief mourner at the funeral of a man who had made me his heir by a fluke, and if he had lived an hour longer would have altered his will, seemed humbugging, to my mind. Also the funeral service, beautiful as it appears to those who can believe in it, means absolutely nothing to me; and I have scruples about appearing as if it did.

The next morning Mr Fluke announced his intention of staying at home that he might have time to discuss matters with his young friend. Owen's first task was to write to David Rowe, requesting that he would come up at once to London at Mr Fluke's desire. Owen also wrote to John, giving him a sketch of his adventures, though he did not mention the object for which he wished to see David.

She was sitting beside Floyd; but had not dared to breathe their danger to him. Her cheeks paled at the sound, and she rested silent until presently summoned to the drawing-room. "What's the matter?" asked her brother. "Nothin', Fluke, lay down, and if ye hear anyone talkin' keep still. Somebody's coming." "Somebody comes every day," answered Floyd. "That ain't nothin'. What ye doin', Flea?"

Obviously, the boy was not himself, and he fancied he knew the reason. "If he pulls it off, it'll be the biggest fluke of his life," he muttered. "Isn't it queer?" whispered Mrs. Latimer. "I never saw young Carteret ride like that before." Baring was silent. He began to think he understood Hope's failure to put in an appearance.