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Updated: August 8, 2024

These things considered, Gildas the Britaine had great reason to thinke, that this countrie had bene inhabited from the beginning. And Polydor Virgil was with no lesse consideration hereby induced to confesse, that the Ile of Britaine had receiued inhabitants foorthwith after the floud.

A silly game what!" Wishing to be in no manner held responsible for his vicious pursuits, I that day removed my diggings from the Floud home to chambers in the Pettengill block above the Grill, where I did myself quite nicely with decent mantel ornaments, some vivacious prints of old-world cathedrals, and a few good books, having for body-servant one of the Hobbs lads who seemed rather teachable.

He was twice m., first to Rachel Floud, a descendant of Archbishop Cranmer, and second to Ann Ken, half-sister of the author of the Evening Hymn. His first book was a Life of Dr. Donne , followed by Lives of Sir Henry Wotton , Richard Hooker , George Herbert , and Bishop Sanderson . All of these, classics in their kind, short, but simple and striking, were coll. into one vol.

They come back one day and cheered their mother a whole lot by telling her the pack had been over the pass as far as the house of a worthy rancher, Mr. Floud by name. They said Mr. Floud didn't believe there was any bears round, and further said he greatly admired the beagles, even though at first they seriously annoyed his pet kitten. "The old lady said this was ripping of Mr.

Yes, sir; that's what reminded me of foreigners and bazaars and vice, and so on and poor Egbert Floud." My hostess drew about her impressive shoulders a blanket of Indian weave that dulled the splendours of the western sky, and rolled a slender cigarette from the tobacco and papers at her side. By the ensuing flame of a match I saw that her eyes gleamed with the light of pure narration.

At a cutlery shop I then bought a stout chain, escorted the brute to his home, and saw him tethered. The thing was rather getting on me. The following morning he waited for me at the Floud door and was beside himself with rapture when I appeared. He had slipped his collar. And once more I saw him moored. Each time I had apologized to Mrs.

I heard the Mixer's amazing presentation speech. "Mrs. Kenner, Mr. Floud, his lordship say, listen here, is your right name Brinstead, or Basingwell, like your brother's?" The Klondike person acknowledged the thing with a faintly gracious nod. It carried an air, despite the slightness of it. Cousin Egbert was more cordial. "Pleased to meet you, Lord!" said he, and grasped the newcomer's hand.

"How hardly we should believe in a God who saved every one!" he breathed softly to the remains of his cigar. "Humph! Such a God would be a mere mush of concession!" retorted Floud, the Baptist. "And how true," pursued the unruffled Unitarian, "that we cannot worship a 'mere mush of concession' how true that our God must hate what we hate, and punish what we would punish.

Floud, to take it in such a sporting way, because many people in the past had tried to make all sorts of nasty rows when her pets had happened to kill their kittens. Brother said, yes; Mr. Floud took the whole thing in a true sporting way, and he hoped the pack would soon be well enough to hunt again.

That was where Egbert Floud come in, though after it was all over any one could see that he was more to be pitied than censured.

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