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"What'd I tell yer, what'd I tell yer!" she exclaimed, pirouetting and somersaulting till the slower-moving Freckles was a trifle dizzy. Within a quarter of an hour the three were snugly ensconced in the window niche of the "cubby-hole," so Flibbertigibbet termed the robing-room closet, and looking with all their eyes across the street.

"I'll pinch yer black an' blue if yer tell!" whispered Flibbertigibbet, relaxing her hold and in turn raising her hand. "What's wanting now, 208?" "A second helpin', please 'um." The tin round was passed up to the nickel-plated receptacle, that resembled a small bathtub with a cover, and piled anew.

"It is even so," said Wayland Smith, "the best friends must part, Flibbertigibbet; but thou, my boy, art the only thing in the Vale of Whitehorse which I shall regret to leave behind me."

For Faith stopped at the shoemaker's house every day on her way home from school to teach Louise; and "Flibbertigibbet," as her father generally called her, was making good progress. "She learns so quickly," replied Faith, "and she is learning to write. I do wish she would go to school, Aunt Prissy," for Louise had become almost sullen at the suggestion.

The Marchioness' dress fairly swept the floor, and the Boy bowed so low that well, Flibbertigibbet never could tell how it happened, but she had a warm place in her heart for that boy ever after he quietly and methodically stood head downwards on his two hands, his white silk stockings and patent leathers kicking in the air.

Ptomaines, his collection of pieplates, Warble, his personal appearance and his Aunt Dressie. The last was one of the old Cotton-Petticoats, and in her younger days had been a flibbertigibbet. Was still, for that matter, but she flibbered differently now. She appeared unannounced, took up her favorite quarters in the N.N.W. wing, and permeated the household. Tall. Slender. Smart. Sport suits.

"But Flibbertigibbet," answered Wayland, "hath that about him which may redeem his turn for mischievous frolic; for he is as faithful when attached as he is tricky and malignant to strangers, and, as I said before, I have cause to say so."

"I was a fool to mention the doctor's kind intentions towards my mansion before that limb of mischief, Flibbertigibbet; I might have guessed he would long to put so rare a frolic into execution. But let us hasten on, for the sound will collect the country to the spot." So saying, he spurred his horse, and Tressilian also quickening his speed, they rode briskly forward.

"E'en in that thou hast assigned me, to be sure as a juggler; thou knowest I am used to the craft," answered Wayland. "Ay, but the lady?" answered Flibbertigibbet. "Credit me, I think she IS one and thou art in a sea of troubles about her at this moment, as I can perceive by thy fidgeting."

"You are a fool, Adhelmar," said he, at last, "but you are a brave man, and you love as becomes a chevalier. It is a great pity that a flibbertigibbet wench with a tow-head should be the death of you. For my part, I am the King's vassal; I shall not break faith with him; but you are my guest and my kinsman. For that reason I am going to bed, and I shall sleep very soundly.